How many teams are currently in the WNBA as of the 2024 season?
12 teams
What is the only team to have gone 0-16 in a single season?
The 2008 Detroit Lions
What player had the most 3 pointers during one series of the finals?
Steph curry
What is the most common mistake runners make when starting out?
Running to fast
How many timeouts does each team get per game in the NFL?
3 per half) 6 TOTAL
Who is the current commissioner of the WNBA?
Cathy Engelbert
Who has thrown the most passing yards of all time?
Tom Brady
What team plays at target center?
Minnesota timberwolves
Are taller people better runners? YES or NO
Did Catlyin Clark average more than 2 steals per game this past season in the WNBA?
NO she averaged 1.7 steals per game
What year was the WNBA founded?
How many total games are played in a regular season for one single team in the NFL?
17 games
What NBA team has made the most appearances in the finals?
Las Angeles Lakers
What is the distance of a half marathon?
13.1 miles
Out of the following players which has not won the rookie of the year award? Larry bird- Patrick Ewing- magic Johnson or David Robinson
Magic Johnson
Which college or university has the most players in the WNBA?
Who is the current commissioner of the NFL
Roger Goodell
What player had the most turnovers in the finals?
Lebron James
How many lanes are on a Olympic track?
9 lanes
When Catlyin Clark was in college what did she major in?
Where was the first WNBA game played at?
Las Angeles
What year was the NFL founded?
What team did Larry bird coach during the 1997-98 season?
Indiana pacers
What is the name of the largest marathon in the world held annually in New York city?
New York city Marathon
What famous runner broke the 4- minute mile barrier in 1954
Roger Bannister