Passage 1 Questions
Passage 2 questions
Second set of questions
Second set cont'd/Misc
You never know what you're going to get!

(question 1)

"That day Yosemite did its best to dazzle the President."  What does the phrase "did its best to dazzle" suggest about Yosemite?

D-Yosemite seemed especially beautiful when President Roosevelt visited.


Question 5

How does paragraph 22 contribute to the overall meaning of Passage 2?

C. -It emphasizes how John Muir was most impressed by the natural beauty of Yosemite's landscape.


"The oil business had grown complicated and expensive, so some smaller companies were glad to sell.  But others felt forced to sell.  Rockefeller assumed control of 22 of those refineries in early 1872."

Which phrase could replace the word assumed and keep the same meaning?

(question 8)

C -took over


Question 13

How do the authors of Passages 1 and 2 develop their purpose in similar ways?

B- They each discuss John D. Rockefeller's impact on the oil industry.


What is a protagonist?

The main character in the story.


Question 2

Which details should be included in a summary of Passage 1?  Select 3.

A -"John Muir had lived in Yosemite for thirty years, working as a wilderness guide and living off the land." (paragraph 2)

B -"Muir quickly agreed to guide Roosevelt."  (Paragraph 9)

F -"The sequoias deserve protection,' he said, 'simply because it would be a shame to let them disappear."  (Paragraph 19)


 "The vally was, Muir wrote, 'the grandest of all nature's temples." (paragraph 6)

"The majestic trunks, beautiful in color and in symmetry, rose round us like the pillars of a mightier cathedral than ever was conceived." (paragraph 21)

What does the figurative language in these sentences suggest about how both Muir and Roosevelt viewed Yosemite?

C. -They both viewed Yosemite as a place worthy of respect and admiration.


Based on information in both passages, how did John D. Rockerfeller's view of Standard Oil's monopoly (passage 1) differ from Ida Tarbell's (passage 2)?

(Question 9)

D -Rockefeller thought a monopoly made an unstable industry better, while Tarbell thought the monopoly was unfair to small business.


14 -Part A

What was one effect of the creation of the Standard Oil Trust on non-oil companies??

B -Other industries established monopolies.


What THREE things go in the introduction of argumentative writing?


-Both sides of the argument

-Claim with TWO reasons to support your claim


Read paragraphs 18 and 19 from passage 1.  What does the word passionate mean as it is used in the paragraph?

A. heartfelt


What type of writing would you do?

Write a multi-paragraph response in which you analyze how President Roosevelt's and John Muir's camping trip in Yosemite supported their goal to preserve nature.  Your response must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the passages.



Question 10

In passage 2, which details does the author use to explain why Ida Tarbell because a "muckraking" reporter?  Give TWO answers.

B-Tarell had a personal connection to the oil industry

D-Tarbell wanted to find out the truth about Standard Oil


Question 14 Part B

Which quotation from paragraph 3 provides evidence for the answer to Part A?

C -" provided an example for other industries to establish monopolistic trusts."


What THREE things go in the introduction of expository writing?


-background info/transition'

-thesis with THREE reasons


How is John Muir introduced in Passage 1? 

(Question 4 part A)

B - as an expert working and living in Yosemite


In the writing prompt, how would you organize your writing?

Expository -description


Question 11

Which detail about Standard Oil does the illustration in Passage 3 provide that Passages 1 and 2 do not?

D. -It shows Standard Oil as controlling the government


What is first person point of view?

A character that is in the story, telling the story.  Includes pronouns like me, I, us.


What point of view is told by a narrator and shows only ONE character's thoughts and feelings?  It uses pronouns such as he, she, him, her, them, their.

Third person limited


Question 4 part B

Which detail from Passage 2 helps show Muir's abilities?

B - "Of course of all people in the world he was the one with whom it was best worthwhile thus to see the Yosemite."  (Paragraph 20)


What would your thesis sentence  be for the writing prompt?

It shoule include three big ideas.


Question 12

Read paragraph 10

Which TWO meanings does legitimate have in this paragraph?

B -honest


This point of view is told by an outside narrator and they know TWO or more characters thoughts or feelings.  It includes pronouns such as he, she, her, him, them, their.

Third person omniscient


What are the four types of conflict and are they internal or external?

Internal -character vs self

External -character vs character, character vs society, character vs nature
