The allied army The Harlem Hellfighters were welcomed in by in WWI
Age of Phyllis Wheatley (first African American to be published) when her poetry was published in 1773
Date of International Women's Day
March 8
Current state that first gave women the right to vote
Wyoming Territory- 1869
The year of the first celebration of Black History Month
The sport Althea Gibson played as on the of first athletes to cross the color line
Year the first Women's History Day was held
Year women of all races could legally vote
The year the last law was overturned by Alabama formally prohibiting interracial marriages
Name of the first African American elected to the US Senate
Hiram Rhodes Revels
The year Women's history day became Women's History week
Woman who famously wrote "remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”
Future First Lady Abigail Adams
Job of the 6888th Battalion (all black, all female unit) in World War II
Deliver mail to troops across Europe
The first Black female cable car conductor in San Francisco
The year congress declared March Women's History Month
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
The industry that made Madam Walker, born to former slaves in 1867 in Louisiana, the first female self-made millionaire.
Cosmetics manufacturing- specializing in beauty and haircare products for African American women
State that Shirley Chisholm was elected to Congress in in 1968 as the first black woman elected to Congress. She later ran for president, becoming the first black candidate to run for president from major party.
New York - Brooklyn
Number of Women that currently (2025) serve in the
119 Congress
Event that Bobbi Gibb was disqualified from in 1966 because the Amateur Athletic Union declared it a liability for women to participate.