This is the birthstone of April.
This term describes the movement of birds as the weather shifts in temperature.
This is a move that gymnasts often do in floor routines.
What is the Mexican holiday celebrated on May 5?
Cinco de Mayo
March comes in like a lion and out like a...
What spring holiday is considered the most exciting two minutes in sports?
The Kentucky Derby
The name for a group of butterflies.
A. Flutter
B. Breeze
C. Kaleidoscope
D. Flock
C. Kaleidoscope
This is the name for the type of dusting, washing windows, vacuuming, shaking out rugs, and opening windows as the weather gets warmer.
SPRING cleaning
What spring holiday is the second biggest holiday of the year for flower sales and deliveries?
Mother's Day
If all three of these months start on a Sunday, what superstitious day will occur in each month?
Friday the 13th
What country uses the blooming of cherry blossoms to determine the start of spring?
A. Japan
C. Canada
D. China
A. Japan
What part of a rabbit never stops growing?
Their teeth
This added layer under a mattress helps to raise your bed higher.
What month do we celebrate Earth Day?
When is the first day of spring this year.
March 20th
This is the name of the groundhog from Punxsutawney that pops out to tell us whether or not spring is near.
Despite its name, a jackrabbit isn't a rabbit. What is it?
A hare
This naturally warm body of water is typically found in the mountains and has certain health benefits.
What is a hotSPRING
What day marks the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere?
Spring Equinox
What are the three zodiac signs of spring?
Aries, Taurus, and Gemini
According to weather folklore, if it thunders on All Fool’s Day, what will it bring?
A. An early summer
B. Good crops of corn and hay
C. A warm April
D. A cold April
B. Good crops of corn and hay
The world's deadliest animal reappears every spring. What is it?
The mosquito
Phrase for when something begins to exist or when more energy is shown
SPRING to life
What was the original name of Memorial Day?
Decoration Day
One of the full moons of the spring months is called the flower moon. Which month can you see it?