True or False: The Irish have always been represented by the color green
What is False?
True or False: Easter is on a different day every year
What is True?
True or False: In Wisconsin, April is typically the rainiest month.
What is False?
True of False: Nine Million Tulips were planted for the movie musical Wicked.
What is True?
This city is famous for their tradition of turning an entire river green.
What is Chicago?
What is they "became like dead men" or What is fainted
Wisconsin's state flower.
What is the Wood Violet?
In the movie Hop, starring James Marsden and Russell Brand, the Easter Bunny tries to prove he is the Easter bunny by doing this.
What is pooping jellybeans?
St. Patrick is famous for banishing this animal from Ireland
What are snakes?
The first person to see Jesus after His resurrection.
Who is Mary Magdalene
Spring is the season that this natural disaster is most common in the U.S.
What are Tornados?
Easter in Australia occurs during this season.
What is Fall?
The first St. Patricks Day Parade was held in this U.S. State
What is Florida?
Easter Egg Dying began in this country.
What is Ukraine?
This European country is the flower capital of the world.
What is the Netherlands?
This Wisconsin animal is known as a harbinger of spring.
What is the Robin?
The origin of why people excessively drink on St. Patricks day.
What is they were allowed a temporary relief of lenten restrictions?
The Anglo-Saxon "goddess" that the word Easter comes from.
Who is Eostre?
The event that occurs on the first day of spring when the Earth is perpendicular to the sun, and day and night are equal in length.
What is an equinox?
Island famous for moai that face inland to protect the inhabitants of the land.
What is Easter Island?