What is the plan needed for someone with a diagnosis of ASD
All staff support all children
Who responsibility is it to create inclusive programming?
A child has been unsupervised for 30 seconds
What is an example of a serious occurrence? (unsupervised child)
Go for a walk , extend outside time, offer gross motor outlets inside learning environment ,have preferred items in the middle of the learning environment, close doors, watch child’s eye gaze, Understanding and avoiding children's stressors or triggers
How can I support flight behaviours?
Staff are not to access their personal cell phones in program. If there is a need we will call the program phone.
When can I use my personal cell phone in program?
ISP: Children don't need a diagnosis to have a completed ISP
What plan(form) would you use for a child who has a behaviour of concern but does not have a diagnosis?
SNSS are not the only ones responsible for personal care supports. All staff must support.
Who's responsible for personal care supports (feeding, toileting etc.)
Reach out to your AM and/or inclusion to let them know the child is away.
What do I do if the child who needs support is away?
Never leave the group of children unsupervised Call Duty - (289) 247- 0365, lean on colleagues or other adults in the building (custodian), Have a plan of action in the ISP
What if a flight behaviour occurs?
Provide a clear, consistent description of expectations, decide on the main rules by discussing them with your classroom, use positive wording (e.g., “Walk” rather than “Don’t run”) post in a visible area at children's eye level and refer children to the posted rules
How can I set classroom expectations?
Incident report and CBC
What forms do I need to fill out if a child pushes me (a staff) ?
SNSS can step into ratio for up to 30 minutes
Can SNSS be in ratio?
Children must be supervised by an adult at all times while receiving care at a PLASP program, including transition outdoors, indoors, in hallways, or cubbies?
When must children be supervised?
Words “disappear” right after we say them, visuals hold time and space. Visuals direct attention to them and hold attention. Visuals allow more time to process the information, Visuals assist in remembering, Using the same words every time a visual is shown, teaches the child those words.
Why Do We Use Visuals?
"Inside" toys can come outside to support children outdoors
What materials can be brought to the outside environment?
child behaviour checklist (example of a behaviour: child rips artwork off the wall)
Which document could you complete if there is a child behaviour with no injury
A safe, warm, and caring environment where they can feel respected, understood, and grow to their maximum potential
What does our inclusion policy say about creating an inclusive environment ?
portable attendance, emergency medication and registration form and all action plans (plan isp etc.) for all children
What do I need when the groups split?
______________ involves being aware of your behavior and how it can help you reach your goals
What is self regulation?
Where can I get inclusive materials to support children's needs
Inclusion backpacks
click submit button on tablet or email child behavior checklist
How do I submit a CBC?
Movement breaks
Implement sensory gross motor toys
How can we support children who are climbing on furniture, running in classroom and not engaged in activities?
School Age children may follow the “Buddy System”, during washroom routines
When can children be unsupervised?
__________ means doing something on purpose, something you could have stopped, and for a reason. ____________ means doing something you could have stopped, but not for any particular reason.
What's the difference between misbehavior and stress behavior?
Daily double: What resources could you use to support children who are non verbal or non speaking?
What resources could you use to support children who are non verbal or non speaking?