You should report any incidents or injuries involving a participant/s to this person.
Who is the supervisor?
This is the most effective way to encourage participants to stay engaged during a activity or transition.
What is rewarding PBIS points when they follow directions?
When a student bumps their head, as well as a first aid and incident report, these people must be notified.
What is supervisors and parents?
Will be done frequently during transitions and field trips to ensure all participants are present.
What are head counts/roll call?
Should not be used and out during program (only if using it for emergencies or have prior authorization from supervisor)
What are cell phones?
This type of report should be documented if a participant leaves the room after getting out of a game but returns in 4 minutes and is showing no aggression.
What is a minor elopement referral?
True or False: A child should have to talk about their choices and actions, even if they are still escalated.
These should be watched and secured.
What are entrances and exits?
This strategy helps children focus and prepare mentally for the next activity.
What is giving a 5-minute warning or a countdown?
This is the role of staff in maintaining the camp schedule and activity flow.
What is ensuring activities start and end on time, and participants stay engaged?
This type of documentation should be selected for a child repeatedly physically harming others?
What is major referral?
This is the type of information you should not include when documenting an incident.
What is personal opinions or emotions and names of others involved outside of the person whose name is on the referral?
This is when staff are paying attention to each other and not the participants.
What is staff grouping?
Reason you might be sent home for the day.
What is having cell phone out, not wearing appropriate clothing and uniform, or Ratio?
This type of documentation should be filled out if a participant accidently spills juice and stains the floor.
What is an incident report (property damage)?
What is offering choices or involving the children in the decision-making?
This practice ensures that children are released only to authorized individuals during pick-up times.
What is verifying identification and checking with ActiveNet?
This is the best way to adapt to an activity when you don't have enough space for a large group.
What is breaking the group into smaller teams or rotating stations?
This is a key responsibility of staff to ensure that ALL participants are actively participating in the camp experience.
What is promoting inclusion and making sure every participant feels involved?
This is the type of information you should include when documenting an injury.
What is the time, location, details of incident and actions taken?
This is what PBIS stands for.
What is Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports?
True or False: Sierra kids can provide sunblock, itch cream for bug bites, and burn cream for burns.
False. Sierra Kids cannot provide any medication- if a child has an accommodation it will be documented.
This can be a effective way to ensure an activity goes smoothly when you have limited time for setup.
What is preparing materials ahead of time and keeping instructions simple?
Place where you can find How to's, phone log and roster.
What is the clipboard?