Which state is the following city located in: Birmingham
Which teacher's classroom is in room 203?
Mr. McKillop
Which holiday is celebrated on the first Monday in September?
Labor Day
What is tallest mountain in the world?
Mt. Everst
What is another name of the season we call Fall?
If you were traveling south, which direction would be on your right?
Who is the youngest teacher in 7th grade?
Ms. Esdaile
Thanksgiving is always celebrated on which day?
The third Thursday of November
What is the fastest land animal?
A cheetah
The art of Japanese paper folding is called this.
Which two countries share a border with the U.S.?
Canada and Mexico
Who took the last selfie on Ms. Uppal's phone
1st Block - Du'Shawn
2nd Block - Anasia
3rd Block - Justin
On which holiday do Americans spend the second most money? (Hint: Christmas is first)
What is the world's largest snake?
What is it called when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter?
Which American city is the Golden Gate Bridge in?
San Francisco
What color are the blinds in the science lab?
During which month does Earth Day occur?
What is the largest continent (not country)?
Which system of the human body is the stomach in?
The digestive system
Which country was Christopher Columbus born in?
Who is Ms. Uppal's teacher bestie?
Ms. Raybon
Honorary Holiday ... What is the date of last day of school this year?
May 24th
What is the tallest living thing in the world? (Hint: you can see one in the state of California or Washington)
A redwood tree
Who is the richest Youtuber?
Mr. Beast