I ate fruit, even though I was told not to.
Who is Eve
Name one of the Ten Commandments
Must not have any other god, Must not make idols,Worship God only, Must not Misuse the name of the Lord, Keep Sabbath day Holy, Must not Kill, Must not commit adultery, Must not steal, Must not lie, Must not covet
Tonight's Theme
What is Purpose Chaser?
I am Jesus's biological father
Who is Joseph
Why did Noah build an ark?
What is God was going to send a great flood.
Pastor's college mascot was _______ and his current career is a ______
What is Aggie and Legal
Faith church started at The_____
What is the City Hotel (now known as The Holiday Inn on Greenville Blvd)
Name one of the four books of the Bible that are called "The Gospels".
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The first woman mentioned in the Bible.
Who is Eve.
Firetower is our _____ location.
What is third.
A book of the Bible that was written by a doctor
Who is Luke
Name a book with multiples
What is Chronicles, Corinthians, Kings, Samuel, Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter and, John
The original name of the church
Faith Temple Christian Church