Research/MLA Format
Important Terms
"It was a wild, cold, seasonable night of March, with a pale moon lying on her back." This quote contains an example of...
What is personification?
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: How does the reader know that Charlie lacks creativity and abstract reasoning?
Charlie's inability to spell, to make inferences, and to recognize when others are making fun of him shows the readers that he is lacks creativity and abstract reasoning.
**TRIPLE JEOPARDY! This question is worth 300 points** DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: When you are not embedding quotes, how can you omit or add information?
Use brackets when adding information and ellipses when omitting information.
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: What is the error in this literary topic sentence? -- Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes was a classic tale of a man who worked hard.
- The verb tense should be present (is instead of was ) - The title should be in quotation marks
When an author hints at something to come.
What is foreshadowing?
The driving conflict of the novel is man vs. this
What is self?
Robinson Crusoe, Adam and Eve, and Paradise Lost are examples of this
What are allusions in "Flowers for Algernon"
("All About Research" 55). <-- Based on the format of this parenthetical citation, the reader knows that this information is not available.
What is the author?
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: An example of this is "Never shall I forget that night." -- What is wrong with this embedded quote?
Embedded quotes should be woven naturally in with the writer's own language. The writer should avoid using terms like "an example of.." or "This shows.." or "in this quote.."
When characters stand for abstract ideas.
What is allegory?
The conflict between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is considered this.
What is internal conflict? (man v. self)
The following quote would best fit here on the plot diagram: "Miss Kinnian is my teacher at the adult nite school"
What is the exposition?
The list of references used in an MLA formatted research essay
What is the Works Cited page? EXTRA JEOPARDY POINTS! How is this page organized? (+100 if answered correctly)
What is the error in this sentence? But Edgar Allan Poe's life ended in tragedy?
The sentence begins with a coordinating conjunction (FANBOY)
When an object stands for an idea.
What is symbolism?
"The hall, when they entered it, was brightly lighted up; the fire was built high." -- The combination of brightly, lighted, fire, and high in this sentence is an example of this.
What is assonance?
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: What does the use of first person point of view do for the reader?
The reader can better empathize with Charlie
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: If you had the following information, how would you create a parenthetical citation?: Author - Kendall Smith Book Title - How to Be the World's Best Mom Pages used: 22 Published in Dallas in 2016
What is (Smith 22).
DO NOT ANSWER THIS IN A QUESTION: What is wrong with the following sentence? Dr. Jekyll went home, Poole talked to Utterson.
This is an example of a comma splice (two independent clauses joined together only by a comma - a conjunction is needed)
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: Name the three points of view commonly seen in literature, and identify the difference between them.
- 1st Person: Character tells the story - 3rd Person Limited: Outside narrator follows one character - 3rd Person Omniscient: Outside narrator follows many characters
DO NOT ANSWER IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION? What is the theme of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
(Answers vary) "All human beings are commingled out of good and evil."
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: What would be an accurate literary topic sentence about Algernon's character?
(answers will vary, but must include T.A.G., subject, and opinion)
Copying and pasting language from a website, forgetting to cite factual information borrowed from a source, buying a paper online, and having a peer write a paper for you are all examples of this.
What is plagiarism?
DO NOT ANSWER IN A QUESTION: What is wrong with the following thesis statement from a persuasive research paper? "The driving age should be changed to 18 in the United States because of maturity, safety, and teenagers aren't aware."
The structure of the sentence is not parallel. "Teenagers aren't aware" does not grammatically match "maturity" and "safety"
The hopeful hermit left his handsome house. This is an example of this device.
What is alliteration?