Grammar Rules
Rule of Thumb
Important Concepts
Define deixis.
Deixis is pointing. We use this for pronouns such as he, she, it, they,etc.
Where do WH words go in the sentence?
At the end.
Finish the inequalities: crazy for (<,>) love- it not crazy for (<,>) hate
Crazy for is more than love it; not crazy for is less than hate.
What is the difference between Deaf and deaf?
Deaf refers to someone who is involved in the community of ASL users. 'deaf' refers to the medical condition of having a hearing loss.
Where are male and female signs located?
Male- on/near/around forehead Female- on/near/around chin
What does it mean when a sign is iconic?
It resembles the actual object/action.
Where do time words go in the sentence?
At the beginning.
What two signs do we use for the English words "in" and "on?" Give an example sentence for each.
During and involved. In (during) the winter I... I'm on (involved) the baseball team.
What is an agent marker? Tell me 2 signs that use them and 2 signs that don't.
Showing someone who works as or does the meaning of the sign. Example: teacher, student; Non Examples: coach, principal
What are the non manual signals for 'finish' and 'not yet?'
Finish= "fish" Not-yet= tongue
What does it mean if the sign is initialized?
The handshape of the sign is the first letter of the word.
Where/when are adjectives signed in the sentence?
After the noun.
Name the order of characteristics when describing someone.
Gender Ethnicity Height Body Type Other
When using a classifier, it is important to identify what first?
The object or individual.
What are the locations for the time, age, and money spots?
time=wrist age=chin money=temple/forehead
What does it mean for a sign to be compound? Name one example of a compound sign.
Two signs put together to make one English word. ie) parents, son, daughter, etc.
Explain the difference between the WH and QM face. Describe both the facial expression and the type of questions each are used for.
WH-face= eyebrows down; Wh- questions QM= eyebrows up; yes/no questions
What are the signs for since and for-for. Sign a sentence for each using them correctly/in the right context.
example sentences: We friends SINCE 3 years. You go nurse FOR-FOR?
What is the difference between Spatial Orangization and Spatial Visualization?
Oranization: using shoulder shifting, listing, or the group sign to separate related topics into groups. Visualization: using proximity to create a 3D image of a space from the signers perspective.
What is a noun-verb pair? Describe the movement of nouns and the movement of verbs in a noun-verb pair. Tell me 2 examples.
It is when all of the parameters are the same EXCEPT for the movement. Nouns move mulitple times, or have a smaller back and forth movement; verbs move once or have a bigger/wider back and forth movement. chair/sit airplane/fly etc.
What is a "bridge" in ASL? Which sentence structure is it used with, and how is it translated?
A bridge is when you use the sign "why" to make a compound sentence. It is used with the SVO sentence patterns, and can be translated as "because."
Answer the following: 1. What are the 3 tense markers? 2. Where do they belong in the sentence? 3. Describe the location for each. 4. If there is no tense marker, which tense are you signing in?
1. past, present, future 2. beginning of sentence 3. past-behind; future- moves out away from body; present- directly in front of body 4. present
Define the Rule of Nine, and tell me three concepts it is used for.
Incorporating the number handshape into the base sign, up until 9. (days, weeks, months, hours, minutes, money, age, time, etc)
Classifiers show what 3 things?
Appearance, movement, and location.
What sign(s) do we use in these 2 sentences? 1. Is there a bathroom in the dorm? 2. Have you ever been sky diving? Sign these two examples correctly.
1. have 2. experience or finish experience