Spring is ______ season of the year.
(first, second, third, fourth)
First season
Spring Forward
This animal comes out of hibernation in Spring.
Finish the rhyme:
April showers bring May __________
I come in spring, bringing joy and cheer,
with colorful eggs that soon appear.
A bunny hops and hides them away,
what is this fun and festive day.
What am I?
Happy Easter
What is the most common trigger of allergic reactions in Spring?
When does Day-Light Saving time specifically start in Canada (day & time).
Second Sunday of March at 2:00 am
From a cocoon to a _________
Which province produces the most maple syrup in Canada?
I bring parades both big and bright,
With shades of green, a lucky sight.
A clover, a leprechaun, maybe some gold.
A day of joy, both new and old.
What day am I?
I wake up the world with my warm embrace, melting ice at a steady pace. I bring rain, I bloom the trees, but sometimes I still bring a sneeze.
What am I (season)?
Starting in spring, our days get __________ and our nights get ________.
Longer and shorter.
Which bird is often seen as the first sign of spring in Canada?
a) Cardinal
b) Sparrows
c) The American Robin
The American Robin
Name at least 2 flowers that first bloom in spring.
Daffodils, Dandelions, Lilies, Tulips, Irises, Snowdrop, Crocus.
Vancouver celebrates which festival in the spring and honors the gift of what from Japan?
Cherry Blossom Festival
Honors the gift of Cherry Blossoms from Japan.
This always comes at the end of spring.
the letter 'g'
This Canadian territory does not follow Day-Light Saving Time.
I am striped but not a zebra, I work but not for pay. I visit flowers every hour, helping them along the way. What am I?
Golden in fields, I dance in the breeze.
Loved by bees and spread with ease.
In spring, I bloom, though some see me as trouble.
But blow on my seeds, and they burst into double!
Which city celebrates the Canadian Tulip Festival?
(The Canadian Tulip Festival is celebrated in Ottawa in the month of May - which honors the gift of Tulips from the Netherlands - as a thank you for Canada's help in World War II).
This is something you do around your home, often includes cleaning.
Spring cleaning
This Canadian province does not follow Day-Light Saving Time.
In winter, I am still as stone, but when spring arrives, I fine my throne. I leap, I croak, I love the rain - what am I once again?
I stand tall and strong, my sap is sweet.
In springtime warmth, I'm a tasty treat.
From my bark, Canadians take delight.
What tree am I, shining so bright?
What spring holiday is the second biggest holiday of the year for flowers sales and deliveries?
Mother's Day