The first day of Spring is in this month
This Spring holiday is popular for pranksters.
April Fools Day
April showers bring May ____________.
What are flowers?
What is the name of a baby chicken?
What type of precipitation happens in the spring?
Spring lasts this many months
What is 3 months?
What is the current season in Australia right now?
Daffodils, Lillies, Tulips, Irisis, and Lilacs are a few examples of what?
What is the name for a baby bear?
These storms are most common in the spring and twist around very quickly
What are tornadoes?
Name a favorite Spring marshmallow candy that is shaped like a chick or bunny that comes in different colors.
Are there more days in April or May?
May has 31, April has 30
What holiday does not occur in the Spring?
Earth Day, Holi, Halloween
What is the name of a baby cat?
thunder, lightning, rain, wind, darkness
What is the name of the vacation the students get to take in the spring?
Spring break
This spreads through the air from flowers and trees, and causes Spring allergies.
What is the name of a bountiful plant that blooms in the Spring in Japan? It is also the Japanese national flower.
Cherry Blossom
What do bees do in the spring?
What happens to the temperature outside in the spring?
Gets warmer
Name 3 animals that hatch from eggs
birds, crocodiles, catepillars, penguins,
What is another name for the first day of spring?
Vernal Equinox
What is one of the first spring flowers to bloom
Tulips, lilies, or Daisys?
Why do animals have babies in the Spring?
Because it gives them enough time to mature and grow strong before the winter.
True or false: Temperatures increase by about 5 degrees or more per month starting in March.