Easter Celebration
Spring Festivities
A little humor
Earth Day
All things April
This country brought us the tradition of Easter Eggs a) France b) Russia c) Germany
What is Germany - Eggs have been decorated and given out on Easter for centuries.
Before Spring, Spring time and Springing time, what was the season known as based on an old English word? a) Lent b) Advent c) Epiphany
What is . Lent. Spring was celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere during the period of Lent (Lencten in old English) and various religions saw it as a time of new growth and renewal as flowers and plants sprouted. Eventually named Springing time it is believed it was abbreviated to the form we now know around the 16th century.
This grows between your nose and lips
What is two lips (tulips)
This is the date of earth day a)What is April 20th b) what is April 16th c)what is April 22nd
What is April 22nd
What does the word April mean? a) flower b) open c) rain
What is open
This flower is associated with Easter? a) Tulip b) lily c) daffodil
What is the lily - The lily is said to grow with its head down to honor Jesus.
This following vegetable is considered in season in Spring? a) Artichoke b) Capsicum c) Celery
What is Artichokes. These days most fruit and veg is available all year round depending on how it is grown. However artichokes are considered best harvested in Spring whereas the other three are more abundant in Summer and sometimes Autumn.
According to tradition, what time should all pranks cease on April Fools Day? a) what is 1 am b) what is midnight c) what is noon
What is noon
This is what you should be doing on the 26th of April a)what is planting trees b) what is cleaning the ocean c) what is camping
What is planting trees- the 26th of April is National Arbor day
This England's patron saint is remembered on April 23 a) What is St. George b) What is St.David c) What is St. Michael
What is St.George. Often portrayed slaying a dragon, St. George is the patron saint of England.
These are the Easter colors a)red and green b) pink and blue c) purple and yellow
What is Purple and yellow - Every holiday has two traditional colors, the Christmas colors are green and red.
Birds, especially magpies, swoop on people and moving things during Spring for which reason? a) There is an increase in the amount of people outside b) Sprouting plants make them ravenous for food c) To protect their nests
What is to protect their nests. After mating then building their nests they lay their eggs usually in winter depending on species. Spring is the breeding season for birds and they are on the lookout for anything moving that could steal their eggs or young.
What was Seinfeld’s next door neighbor’s name?
What is Kramer
This is the name of the largest ocean on Earth a)what is the pacific ocean b)what is the Atlantic ocean c)what is the Indian ocean
What is the Pacific Ocean
The Anglo-American poet T. S. Eliot wrote 'April is the ... month' What is the missing word? a)The wettest b) the happiest c) the cruelest
What is The cruelest These are the opening words of 'The Waste Land'.
Lent is the forty-six day period just prior to Easter Sunday. It begins the day after this well known party in New Orleans.
What is Fat Tuesday
This WW1 German attack called Kaiser’s Battle was also known as this? a) The Spring Attack b) The Spring Offensive c) The Spring Bombing
What is The Spring Offensive. It was a huge attack on the Western Front which took place in the Spring of 1918 and was Germany’s attempt to end World War One.
This is said to be a show about nothing
What is Seinfeld
The Great Barrier reef is found off the coast of this country a)what is Australia b) what is new Zealand c) what is Denmark
What is Australia
This is your birthstone is you are born in April.
What is Diamond.
This avenue hosts the yearly Easter parade in NYC a) What is 4th avenue b) what is 3rd avenue d) what is 5th avenue
What is 5th Avenue
This is a common illness that occurs during spring time a)hay fever b) spring fever c) winter fever
What is Spring Fever. Experts say the body’s makeup changes due to different diets, hormone production and temperature.
This is the step grand daughter of Dr. Cliff Huxtable on the Cosby show a) What is Olivia b) what is Beatrice c)what is florence
What is Olivia - played by raven symone
This many people participated in the first earth day. a) what is 20 thousand b) what is 20 c) what is 20 million
What is 20 million people participated on the first earth day held on April 22nd, 1970
The titanic hit the infamous iceberg on this day in April
What is April 14th