
How should you answer the desk phone?

Parliament Village Front Desk, this is [Your Name], how may I help you?


Where do you log the Temporary IDs?

What is StarRez?

  1. Rooms → Room Type → Front Desk → PV Front Desk → Keys.

  2. Locate the Temp ID, click the three vertical dots to the right, and select "Issue Temp ID."

  3. Enter the resident’s name, date, and time (15 minutes or allotted time).

What should you do if the scheduled RA does not respond within 15 minutes? If the scheduled RA doesn’t respond and coverage is still needed, who should you contact next? 

What is email the Desk SM and call the RA on call? 


What must both RAs do to finalize a desk shift swap?

What are updating Roompact, emailing the Desk SM (cc’ing the other RA), and waiting for approval?


What should you do if a resident needs help submitting a work order?

What is show them how to submit a WO and refer them to the desk signage with the QR code?


What must you do if the desk must be temporarily closed?

What is email the Desk SM immediately and text the GC to find another RA to cover the desk? Id not RAOC will take the shift.


What steps must you take before leaving the desk for a short period?

What are placing the 5-minute sign in a visible area and locking the computer?


What do you ask a resident who says they are moving out?

What is "Are you no longer returning to TWU Housing?" and "Have you completed the Housing Cancellation Application?"


What two tasks must be completed after issuing a lockout key for a lost key?

What are emailing the Desk SM and updating the key’s status to "lost" in StarRez? 

  1. Navigate: Rooms → Room Type → Front Desk → PV Front Desk → Keys.

  2. Locate the lockout key, click the three vertical dots to the right, and select "Issue Key."

  3. Comment: student lost their key on [insert date], need lockout key

  4. Search the student name in StarRez

  5. Navigate: Rez360 → three vertical dots to the right → click room key →”returning status” → lost → OK

  6. Email Desk SM and charge the resident $50 for a lost key.

  7. Turn the charge statement into the Desk SMs box


What should you do if a package doesn’t have a valid resident name?

What is return it to the carrier?


What do you do if an RD is unavailable when a resident asks to meet with them?

What is take down the resident’s name, hall, room number, and reason, write it on a notepad, and inform the resident the RD will contact them soon?


What steps should you take if you are charged tax on a receipt?

What are: get a refund for the entire purchase amount, keep the receipt, repurchase the item without tax, text the CI SM, and turn in both receipts?


What is the charge for a lost key, and where is the charge statement submitted?

What is $50, and it is submitted to the Desk SM box?


How much is a resident charged for failing to return equipment on time, and where is the statement submitted?

What is $25, and it is submitted to the RD’s box?


What are the 5 pedals of THRIVING? 

What is Academic Determination, Engaged learning, Positive perspective, social connectedness, and serving citizenship?
