Organizational patterns
Main idea

Computers are very complex machines, but everything that they do can be put into two basic categories: inputting and outputting. Inputting is when the computer accepts information entered by the user. Outputting is when the computer returns information to the user. When you press a key on your keyboard, you input information. When the letter that you pressed appears on your monitor, your computer is outputting. Both inputting and outputting require the computer to process information, but input is controlled by the user and output is controlled by the computer. Without inputting and outputting, there would be no computing.

What is compare and contrast?


Screech! Karen stomped on the gas pedal the moment the light turned green. She looked over her left shoulder and zigged past a semi-truck. She zoomed ahead and looked over her right shoulder and then zagged past a motorbike. She glanced at the clock on the console and darted into the parking lot. Whipping into a parking spot, she grabbed her suitcase and ran through the lot, up the escalator, and into the terminal. Her heavy suitcase was bumping and bouncing the whole way. Just as she entered the terminal, she heard an announcement over the loudspeaker, "Final boarding call for flight 205 to JFK..." Karen looked at her ticket and then at the line to get through the security checkpoint, which wrapped around several turnstiles and slithered like a lethargic snake. Karen sighed and then slowly walked to the customer service desk.

Why is Karen in a hurry?

What is she is in a hurry because she is trying to catch a flight?


What is a metaphor?

What is comparing 2 things without the use of like or as?


What is personification?

What is a figurative language technique where an object or idea is given human traits or characteristics?


Earth’s water is continuously being recycled. This process is called the water cycle. Water evaporates from different bodies of water all around the world. The sun heats water in oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds. When the water heats up, it rises into the air as vapor. As the water vapor rises, it cools and turns back into liquid forming clouds. This is called condensation. Water attaches to dust particles in the air and turns into droplets. These droplets become too heavy and fall back to the ground from the clouds as precipitation in the form of rain, snow, or sleet. After the water droplets fall back to the ground, the water cycle process begins again.



What is the Earth's water is continuously being recycled. 


Computer viruses are scary. If an attacker gets control of your computer, they can snoop through your files, steal your sensitive information, and even use your computer’s webcam and microphone to spy on you. But just because there are scary things on the Internet, doesn’t mean that we should stay off of the Internet. Instead, practice safe habits such as installing virus protection. Virus protection will not protect you against all attacks, but it may stop the most common ones. It also helps to keep your software up to date. Software updates close security holes. By installing updates from software providers, you will have a stronger system. Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is to be smart about how you browse. Don’t click on suspicious links and don’t open attached files unless you are expecting them. The Internet can be a dangerous place, but you’ll be safer if you take a few precautions. Happy browsing!

What is problem and solution?


Screech! Karen stomped on the gas pedal the moment the light turned green. She looked over her left shoulder and zigged past a semi-truck. She zoomed ahead and looked over her right shoulder and then zagged past a motorbike. She glanced at the clock on the console and darted into the parking lot. Whipping into a parking spot, she grabbed her suitcase and ran through the lot, up the escalator, and into the terminal. Her heavy suitcase was bumping and bouncing the whole way. Just as she entered the terminal, she heard an announcement over the loudspeaker, "Final boarding call for flight 205 to JFK..." Karen looked at her ticket and then at the line to get through the security checkpoint, which wrapped around several turnstiles and slithered like a lethargic snake. Karen sighed and then slowly walked to the customer service desk.

Why does she start walking slowly at the end of the passage?

What is Karen realizes she will not make her flight.


What is a smilie?

What is comparing two unlike things using like or as?


Nor shall we murmur at, nor much regret

  The years that gently bend us to the ground.

What is being personified?

Which human trait or quality is given? 

What is year are being personified and given the trait of being able to bend?


Hurricanes are large rotating storms. They form in warm tropical waters near the equator. More hurricanes develop in the tropics because of the warmer temperatures. Storms use the warm air that rises off the water as fuel to form into hurricanes. Warm air lifts off the surface of the water. The cooler air fills the space. This cooler air also heats up and rises off the surface. As the warm air rises into the atmosphere, it cools down and forms into clouds. The clouds begin to rotate with the spin of the earth. The spinning clouds become a system that may form into a hurricane. If the water temperatures stay warm, the system gets stronger and becomes a hurricane. The hurricane picks up speed and strength as it moves across warm water.



What is Hurricanes are large rotating storms. They form in warm tropical waters near the equator.


Not all bugs slither and crawl. A bug can also be an error in a computer program. When a computer tries to read a program with a bug in it, the bug will affect the computer in one of two ways: the computer may process the error and continue running the program. In this case the bug only has a small effect on the computer; however, if the computer cannot process the error, then the bug will cause the computer to freeze and crash. This will require the user to restart the program or the computer. Bugs are pesky to computer programmers and users.

What is cause and effect?


Screech! Karen stomped on the gas pedal the moment the light turned green. She looked over her left shoulder and zigged past a semi-truck. She zoomed ahead and looked over her right shoulder and then zagged past a motorbike. She glanced at the clock on the console and darted into the parking lot. Whipping into a parking spot, she grabbed her suitcase and ran through the lot, up the escalator, and into the terminal. Her heavy suitcase was bumping and bouncing the whole way. Just as she entered the terminal, she heard an announcement over the loudspeaker, "Final boarding call for flight 205 to JFK..." Karen looked at her ticket and then at the line to get through the security checkpoint, which wrapped around several turnstiles and slithered like a lethargic snake. Karen sighed and then slowly walked to the customer service desk.

What is Karen going to do at the customer service desk?

What is Karen will try to arrange a new flight?


What type of figurative language is "He was a busy bee." and it's meaning?

What is metaphor and he is very busy?


Seven times the moon had died

Since my lover rode in his silver mail

Away from his new-made bride.

What is being personified?

Which human trait or quality is given?

What is the moon is being personified and givent he quality of mortality?


Our atmosphere is made up of several layers that help and protect us. We live in the first layer called the troposphere. This layer contains most of the air we breathe. The next layer is the stratosphere. This layer is where the ozone is located. The ozone layer has an important job protecting us from harmful sun rays. The third layer is the mesosphere. Most of the meteors are burned off in this layer which keeps them from falling to the ground. The fourth layer is the ionosphere. This layer has high electrical frequencies that are used to transmit radio waves. These waves help us to communicate with family and friends through the use of phones. We are also able to enjoy music because of these waves. The final layer is the exosphere. This layer is high above the earth and reaches many thousand miles into space.



What is Our atmosphere is made up of several layers that help and protect us?


Have you ever received an email from a strange address with nothing but a mysterious link in the body? Don’t click that link! It may be a drive-by download attack, a common way of infecting computers. These attacks may start as link in an email or Facebook inbox. If you click the link, your computer browser will connect to a website created to attack computers. Once you have connected with the attack site, it will begin scanning your computer for weaknesses. If it finds a weakness, your computer will begin downloading a harmful file. You will not know that you are downloading this file. It will happen without your knowledge or permission. After the download is complete, the file will run and the attacker will have control of your computer. As you continue browsing the internet, you may not even realize that you have been victimized. The drive-by download attack is one of the most common threats to computer users today.

What is chronological/ order and sequence?


Brenda reached for the box of tissue. She blew her nose with a thunderous force and then tried breathing through it again. It was still clogged. She stood up and got a head rush that almost knocked her back down to the bed, but she regained her balance. As she tottered over to the phone on her dresser, all of her muscles ached. She located the contact labeled "Work" and pressed send. A couple of rings later, a familiar voice answered the phone, "Happy Fun Land, this is Deidra speaking. How can I help you have a happy fun day?" Brenda moaned, "Oh, Deidra, it's Brenda." Deidra responded with pep, "Hey, Brenda! I can't wait to see you this afternoon." Brenda grunted and replied, "Yeah, well, actually, I need to talk to the manager."

Why is Brenda moving so slowly? 

What is Brenda is sick?


What type of figurative language is "The woman sang like a bird." and it's meaning?

What is simile and they woman sang beautiful?


Down the ribbon of moonlight, over the brow of the hill,

The highwayman came riding,

What is being personified?

Which human trait or quality is given?

What is the hill is being personified and described as having a brow. 


Our solar system is made up of planets that orbit the sun. The planets in our solar system are divided into two groups. These groups are called the inner planets and the outer planets. The two sections are separated by something called the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is made up of rock and metal. The asteroid belt gets its name because it looks like a belt of rocks. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are smaller and closest to the sun. These planets are made up mostly of rock and metal. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are larger and farther away from the sun. They are made up of different gases.



What is our solar system is made up of planets that are divided into two group?




 Have you ever wondered what the inside of a volcano looks like?  Deep underground is a magma chamber.  The magma chamber is under the bedrock of the earth’s crust.  The conduit or pipe runs from the magma chamber to the top of the volcano.  The conduit connects the magma chamber to the surface.  Most volcanoes also have a crater at the top.  Volcanoes are quite a sight, and you can enjoy this site all over the universe.  Volcanoes are found on planets other than Earth, like the Olympus Mons on Mars.

What is description?


Brenda reached for the box of tissue. She blew her nose with a thunderous force and then tried breathing through it again. It was still clogged. She stood up and got a head rush that almost knocked her back down to the bed, but she regained her balance. As she tottered over to the phone on her dresser, all of her muscles ached. She located the contact labeled "Work" and pressed send. A couple of rings later, a familiar voice answered the phone, "Happy Fun Land, this is Deidra speaking. How can I help you have a happy fun day?" Brenda moaned, "Oh, Deidra, it's Brenda." Deidra responded with pep, "Hey, Brenda! I can't wait to see you this afternoon." Brenda grunted and replied, "Yeah, well, actually, I need to talk to the manager."

What is Brenda going to talk about with the manager?

What is Brenda will tell her manager that she is sick and ask to go home.

What type of figurative language is "The United States is a melting pot." and it's meaning?

What is metaphor and the US has many different cultures living there. 


Ah, never think that ships forget a shore,

Or bitter seas, or winds that made them wise;

What is being personified?

Which human trait or quality is given?

What is the ship is being personified and  given the ability to remember or think?


The sun is an ordinary star that is located at the center of our solar system with many unique features. The diameter of the sun is roughly 1,390,00 km in size making it the largest object in our solar system. Scientists say that roughly 1.3 millions Earths can fit in the sun. Could you imagine that many Earths fitting within the sun? The heat that comes from the sun is extremely hot. Temperatures on the outer surface of the sun are around 5,500 degrees Celsius. The core of the sun is around 1.5 million degrees Celsius. The sun is made up of a mixture of two different gases called hydrogen and helium. It also contains traces of other elements that are found on Earth. The sun produces large amounts of energy through a process called nuclear fusion. The energy is used on earth to create light and warmth.



What is the sun is an ordinary star that is located at the center of our solar system with many unique features?
