Human and Legal Rights
BBP: Bathroom Procedure
Active Support
Pre-Vocation Program

Name a basic human right. 

What is a few examples: the right to privacy, confidentiality, communication with others, equal treatment under the law, and explanations for medical treatment and options. 


ANE stands for.

What is abuse, neglect, and exploitation?


Name three times to put on/change your gloves in the bathroom. 

What is when you first get into the restroom to assist, when you are done assisting someone, when you start or finish cleaning in the restroom.  


Describe Active Support. 

What is helping people to be actively, consistently and meaningfully engaged in their own lives, regardless of their support needs? AS is simply the art of supporting people to do and not doing things for people. 


Name individual/s that have pre-voc services listed in their GFGSC contract.

Who is TB?


It is a right for people to drink alcohol. 

What is.. YES! (over the age of 21) 


A vulnerable adult.

What is a person over the age of 18 who is unable to take care of themselves. It can also refer to one who is unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.


Action taken with soiled clothes. 

What is putting them in a plastic bag and ensuring they are sent home? 


You are doing a task without the person supported and stop and ask yourself. 

What is is it absolutely necessary for me to do this on my own?


People need prevoc services before gaining employment. 

What is false? No one needs to partake in prevoc services prior to gaining employment. 


The number of people supported at GFGSC that are their own guardian. 

What is two?  DMa and JW. 

A mandated reporter.

What is people who have regular contact with vulnerable people and are therefore legally required to ensure a report is made when ANE is observed or suspected?


Amount of times the large garbage is taken out of the bathroom each day.

What is, when needed, but usually once daily?


Define a functional task.

What is any task that will need to be done by someone else if the person supported does not do the task? 


Name individuals who can join in on prevoc services. 

Who is anyone? Due to the fact that our prevoc curriculum aligns with activities that could also be done with contracted Day Habilitation hours, anyone we support is welcome. Anyone we support is also welcome to have this service added to their contract or added to their goals listed in their OSP. 


The HRC stands for and is in charge of this. 

What is that Human Rights Committee; powered by The Arc and a team meets monthly to review people in the Grand Forks area’s plans to ensure they are adequately trained and the least restrictive?


Define the difference between: Abuse, and Neglect. 

What is: Abuse means any willful act or omission by a caregiver or other person, which results in physical injury, mental anguish, unreasonable confinement, sexual abuse or exploitation, or financial exploitation to or of a venerable adult.  Neglect means the failure of the caregiver to provide services necessary to maintain the physical and mental health of a venerable adult, or the inability or lack of desire of the venerable adult to maintain and safeguard their own personal health.   


Amount of times the small stall garbage's are taken out each day.

What is, any time there is a soiled item placed in them?


Describe Graded Support. 

What is giving just the right amount and type of assistance to enable the person to succeed in a task or social interaction? 


The agency receives increased payment for providing PreVoc support services. 

What is false? Providers are paid the same amount whether a person is partaking in Day Hab support or PreVoc support. However, if someone is contracted for 34 hrs of Day Hab support per week and 6 hours of PreVoc services per week, the provider (GFGSC) must provide the service to be paid. Example: TB is here for 40 hours a week and 0 hours of PreVoc are charted, GFGSC will only be paid for the 34 hours of Day Hab. 


Choices a guardian makes or can make for the person supported. 

What is... open for discussion? 


Recently, the letter "M" has been added to
ANE, the "M" stands for.

What is Mistreatment?


These precautions are important because...

What is... open for discussion?


Name the 5 strategies and techniques behind Active Support. 

What is little and often, look left, look right, every moment has potential, provide just enough support, maximizing choice and control? 


Describe the focus of GFGSC's PreVoc Program. 

What is job interests, personal goals, resume writing and building, communication skills, as well as essential job skills which include: interview skills, workplace conduct and attire; teamwork; accepting responsibility; following directions; problem solving, and workplace safety?
