What day of the year is the spring equinox this year (2025)
Thursday, March 20th
In the U.S., Which is the most popular flower bought during Spring?
The Tulip
What year did St Patrick's Day become a holiday? And in what country?
1903 and Ireland
What day does March Madness begin?
Selection Sunday on March 16th
What animal peeks out of it's hole, and determines the next 6 weeks of weather depending on if it sees it's shadow or not?
A groundhog
What are the spring Zodiac signs?
Aries, Taurus, Gemini
In which country do cherry blossom trees signify the beginning of spring?
Which country did the Easter Bunny tradition originate from?
How many teams begin in the March Madness bracket?
In Stevens Point, what is one of the first animals to emerge from hibernation?
Male Garter Snakes
Who is the greek goddess of Spring and Nature?
What is the state flower of Wisconsin?
Wood Violet (Violia sororia)
In Sweden and Finland, what do children dress up for Easter?
Easter Witches
April 24-26th and in Green Bay
How many babies can a Black Bear have in their lifetime
Around 6 litters so 6-12 cubs roughly.
What month is Women's History Month? And what day is International Women's day?
March, and March 8th
What is the rarest flower in Wisconsin?
The Green Violet (Hybanthus Concolor)
What does Cinco De Mayo commemorate?
Mexico’s victory at the Battle of Puebla
When was Rugby invented?
In the 1820's in England.
How much did the largest Muskie caught in Wisconsin weigh?
69 pounds and 11 ounces. Caught in 1949
What natural disaster is most common during the Spring months and why?
Tornadoes because of the clash of warm and cold air fronts is prevalent.
What is the rarest flower in the World?
Middlemist Red Camellia
Which major Jewish holiday occurs during Spring?
Who invented Volleyball? OR What was the original Volleyball name?
William G. Morgan in 1985. OR Mintonette because it resembled bad Minton.
What butterfly first emerges from hibernation in Wisconsin? AND What is the most popular butterfly in the midwest.
Mourning Cloak Butterfly and The Monarch Butterfly