Intro to Literacy Difficulties
Interacting Factors
Interacting Factors Part 2
Emergent Literacy and Prevention Programs
Word-Recognition Difficulty
A significant difficulty learning to read that is not caused by other physical or mental disabilities or external factors such as poverty or poor instruction
What is a reading disability?
The act or state of directing one's consciousness to stimuli
What is attention?
Belief in oneself as a learner
What is self-efficacy?
This literacy activity helps a child build a background of experience, vocabulary, syntax, and comprehension
What is reading aloud?
This student lacks basic decoding skills; he/she needs systematic instruction with lots of opportunities to apply skills
What is a deficient decoder?
An approach to the identification of reading/learning disabilities in which struggling students are provided with reading instruction that increases in intensity
What is response to intervention?
The ability to detect left, right, up, and down consistently and automatically
What is directionality?
The visualization or visual awareness of letter patterns
What is orthographic processing?
The ability to divide a word into its separate sounds
What is segmentation?
Despite ample instruction, this student learns new patterns extremely slowly or not at all; he/she needs long-term, intensive instruction
What is a disabled decoder?
In this technique, students are taught letters and sounds before being taught to read words; emphasis is on processing the text rather than making use of the reader's background
What is the part-to-whole approach?
The ability to use the sounds in a word to store that word in working and long-term memory, and later, to retrieve that word
What is phonological coding?
Children believe, based on repeated failures, that their efforts to learn will be ineffective and they must rely on others to help them
What is learned helplessness?
A technique in which the teacher reads aloud from a big book or other enlarged text and students follow along
What is shared reading?
This student misreads patterns, especially those that are less common and may compensate by overusing context clues; he/she needs systematic instruction, lots of practice, and to monitor for meaning
What is an inaccurate decoder?
In this technique, students start at the top of the reading process and proceed downward to letters and sounds; it emphasizes constructing meaning through the reader's use of background knowledge and language ability
What is the whole-to-part approach?
The ability to detect the separate phonemes (speech sounds) in a word
What is phonemic awareness?
Persistent slowness or inability to generate a word to name a specific object, event, and idea, even though the word is in the speaker's vocabulary
What is word-finding deficiency?
Basic understanding about written language i.e. printed words represent spoken words, are composed of letters that represent sounds, are read from left to right, and top to bottom
What are concepts about print?
This student has solid basic word-recognition skills, but the skills are not automatic so he/she reads slowly and laboriously
What is a nonautomatic decoder?
This approach stresses parallel processing; readers simultaneously use knowledge of language, contextual and letter-sound cues for decoding, and background knowledge to construct understanding
What is the interactive approach?
Temporarily holds all the information of which we are conscious, including what has just been perceived and what is being thought
What is working memory?
The ability to name letters, number, colors, or objects quickly with a minimum of cognitive effort
What is rapid automatized naming?
A way of reading aloud in which the student or students being read to become active participants by responding to prompts to say something about the selection and to elaborate on their responses
What is dialogic reading?
This processor of the reading system assigns an identity to the series of sounds translated by the phonological processor
What is the meaning processor?