This person's brother has met the members of the Christian rock band Skillet.
Who is Mary Hellen?
This Person hates being sticky or itchy
Who is Sofia?
What did we dress as for Halloween? (find paper and write down the answer)
What is the inside out?
This person dislikes standing in lines.
Who is Jayhson?
This person's mom is dead.
Jeff (plus 20 points for each girl that didn't laugh)
This Person's dad broke his hand, punching her uncle in the head.
Who is Valerie/Kalaina?
This Person Hates Needles
Who is Hairy Melon?
This is Jay's skin color (please respond in Indonesian)
What is brown (black for 1/2 points)
This person dislikes Raisins
Who is Jack?
One time this person was playing spike ball with his friends and one friend ripped his cargo shorts squatting then this person also squatted and ripped my cargo shorts.
Who is Noah?
This person, with her Friend, has toilet-papered the wrong house before.
Who is Sophia?
This person doesn't like when she can hear people chewing.
Where do we hang out the most? (first to touch the door and return gets the points)
What is Adee?
This person likes Frozen grapes.
Who is Jeff?
"This one time at camp, I was playing capture the flag with small plastic ducks. I got one and was running through the volleyball court, and the automatic lights turned on, and I got spotted. I booked it back to my zone and was about 10 feet from the line. I had a sudden bad feeling like I was gonna hit something. Then, BOOOM, I am hit by a moving invisible wall from my right side. And I take a tumble. It turns out that invisible force was my friend Dillon (recently married), and he was way more hurt than I was as I was on the ground laughing. I did not get that duck into my zone on the downside." This was a story of one of our friends.
Who is Ben?
This Person's Brother almost cut off his finger at the tender age of 11 years old.
Who is Kalaina/Valerie?
This person hates Onions.
Who is Kalaina?
What is objectively the STINKIEST hair colour? (please respond by providing a single hair as an example)
What is red?
This Person dislikes Styrofoam and especially the sound it makes.
Who is Benjamin Mills?
Who has it as a joke in their Friend group to turn to someone random and say "Bro you've been fake all night"
Who is Jayhson?
This person gave her brother a scar on his eyelid when he was a baby by accidentally tipping his high chair forward, and his eye hit the corner of the counter.
Who is Hannah?
This person really likes Diet Coke
Who is Erin?
Who are the people here that have androids? (The first to bring androids of the other team to my hand, along with a random person, gets the points)
This person dislikes airports.
Who is Noah?
This person broke his nose riding down a hill on an electric scooter.
Who is Brooks?