Which commandment tells us to honor our father and mother?
The 4th Commandment
Name one person here at St. William of York who can hear your confession.
Fr. DeMartino or Fr. Will
Name the first step in make a good confession
Examination of Conscience
What is another word for contrition? We have to be ________ for our sins
What are the names of the stories that Jesus used to teach the people.
What is the 5th Commandment?
You shall not kill.
What is the word we use when the priest forgives your sins?
Name the 2nd step to making a good confession
Be sorry for my sins
This sacrament removes Original Sins.
What is the 10th Commandment?
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
What is the only sin God will not forgive?
The one you don't confess.
Name the 3rd step in making a good confession
make up my mind not to sin again
What is the most important part of a human being?
Who did God give the Ten Commandments to on Mt. Sinai?
What is the name of the prayer we have to say after we receive our penance?
Act of Contrition
What is the 4th step in making a good confession?
Telling my sins to a priest.
What is an Examination of Conscience?
Where we look at the things we have done and let the Holy Spirit tell us which are sins.
Is the priest allowed to tell anyone else your sins?
Absolutely not. He is bound by the Seal of Confession.
What is the 8th Commandment?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
The name of the person confessing their sins.
What is the 5th step of making a good confession?
Do the penance the priest gives me.
Tell me about the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Answers will vary.
List the 3 requirements for commiting a mortal sin.
1. It has to be grave matter
2. You have to know it is a mortal sin'
3. You have to choose to do it freely