Is a squirrel a carnivore (only eats meat)?
No. They are herbivores (they eat plants and meat).
What is something a squirrel likes to eat?
They like to eat bird eggs, nuts, fruit, and seeds.
Are squirrels related to lions?
Flying squirrels don't actually fly, but they do glide through the air.
Do squirrels make special sounds to alert other squirrels?
What type of animal is a squirrel? A rodent, a reptile, or an amphibian?
Are chipmunks a type of squirrel?
Squirrels may eat tree bark.
Is a squirrel prey to a bobcat?
Yes it can be.
Where do they live or what setting can you find them in?
They live in woodland or forests, rainforests, grasslands, deserts, urban areas, trees, and parks.
Squirrels have terrible eye sight.
False. They have amazing eye sight.
Squirrel front teeth never stop growing.
Do squirrels swim?
No, not typically, but they can if they need to.
How many different species of squirrels are there? 50, 100, or 200.
more than 200 (280 to be exact).
Squirrels claws are very sharp.
Baby squirrels are called peeps.
False. They are called kittens.
Do squirrels have claws?
What is the special name for a squirrel nest? A bench, drey, or tie.
Squirrels run slowly.
Baby squirrels are born being able to see and then they go blind.