The duodenocolic fold connects what two segments of the intestines?
The ascending duodenum and the descending colon
What organs are drained by the gastroduodenal vein?
The pancreas, stomach, duodenum, and greater omentum
What is the most important function of saliva?
The buffering of ruminal pH
Neonatal septicemias are most commonly caused by what type of bacteria?
gram-negative bacteria
What are the two health risks antibiotics in milk products pose on human health?
Name a benefit of feeding colostrum after IgG is no longer able to be absorbed
the absorption of hormones (ex. growth hormone) to stimulate the development of the GI tract
Where does a continuous aggregate of lymph nodules usually occur in the gastrointestinal tract?
True or false:
The Bovine GI tract has the same number of taenia and sacculations as the Equine GI tract
False: the Bovine GI tract has no bands (Taenia) or sacculations
What is the name of the enzyme produced by the abomasum in order to break down bacteria?
What are the three most common bacterial causes of calf-hood diarrhea?
Escgerichia coli, Salmonella, and Clostridium perfringens
What are some factors that affect withdrawal time?
Drug dose rate, age, disease, duration, role of therapy
What are three volatile fatty acids produced during fermentation of carbohydrates?
Acetate, Propionate, and Butyrate
What are the 5 parts of the ascending colon as well as the flexure?
Proximal loop, Spiral loop (including the centripetal gyri, central flexure and centrifugal gyri), and the distal loop
The transverse and sigmoid colons
What is the main benefit of administering oral electrolytes in conjunction with IV therapy?
The Rumen can reabsorb approximately 50% of the sodium given via active transport- passive absorption of chloride ion follows.
We take advantage of the vast rumen capacity for sodium and chloride.
Water is also passively absorbed with sodium from the rumen into blood.
Calves with diarrhea that are given hypertonic oral electrolyte replacers can develop ________
What are the main goals of oral electrolyte therapy?
to restore hydration and electrolyte concentrations
correct strong ion (metabolic) acidemia
provide nutritional support
What is the main immunoglobin found in colostrum?
To what side of the abdominal cavity is the intestinal tract displaced?
The intestinal tract is displaced to the right half of the abdominal cavity
What are the two pathways the GI tract receives sympathetic neurons?
The dorsal and ventral path
Where does the glucose produced by the gluconeogenesis of propionic acid get absorbed and used?
This glucose is subsequently absorbed from the blood and used for lactose synthesis in the udder
What is the pathophysiologic process that causes net accumulation of alkali in body?
What is the mechanistic class of Ceftiofur sodium?
3rd generation Cephalosporin
Why so domestic farm animals have a greater need for consumption of colostrum vs other animals?
They have a limited transplacental transfer of immunoglobulins from the dam to the fetus
Synepitheliochlorial placenta does not allow enough transfer of IgG so calves are born agammaglobulunemic
What is the flexure between the duodenum and the jejunum?
The duodenojejunal flexure
What artery is the blood supply for the transverse colon?
the middle colic artery
Chemoreceptors respond to changes in pH and osmolarity
A _____ in pH and ______ in osmolarity result in forestomach hypomotility
decrease; increase
What is an anion gap?
The difference between the sum of the concentrations of commonly measured cations and the sum of the concentrations of commonly measured anions
What is the mechanism of action for Ceftiofur sodium?
inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
rapidly cleaved into furoic acid and desfuroylceftiofur
desfuroylceftiofur inhibits the bacterial cell wall synthesis
Name two parasites that affect the ruminant intestines
Eimeria spp, Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia duodenalis, Strongylids, Strongyloides papillosus, Trighuris spp. Toxocara vitulorum, Moniezia