What is Ms. Dot's favorite color?
Genie was stuck in the lamp for how many years before Aladdin found him?
What country is home to animals such as kangaroos, dingoes, and wallabies?
You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?
The letter “R.”
What is Ms. Dot's favorite Disney character?
What is Ms. Dot's favorite Disney villian?
Which Disney Princess sings “Once Upon a Dream”?
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
What is the name of a triangle with different length sides for all three sides?
Scalene triangle
Give me a drink, and I will die. Feed me, and I'll get bigger. What am I?
What is the name of Ms. Dot's Group?
What is Ms. Dot's favorite holiday?
What year did Disneyland open?
What two elements on the periodic table combine to make the ingredient commonly known as table salt?
Na and Cl. Sodium Chloride.
What goes in a birdbath but never gets wet?
The bird's shadow.
When is Ms. Dot's Birthday?
February 6th
What are Ms. Dot's Children's names?
Tre'Asha and Quadir
What were Mickey Mouse's first words ever spoken?
Hot Dog!
What is the only continent without spiders?
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years?
The Letter "M"
What is Ms. Dot's favorite food?
Doesn't have one. She loves all types of food.
What is Ms. Dot's favorite ride at six flags magic mountain?
Riddlers Revenge
The sorcerer’s name in Fantasia spells what backwards?
How many continents in the world are inhabited?
I grow down as I grow up. What am I?
A goose. Goose feathers are called down.
What is Ms. Dot's least favorite ride at Disneyland?
Astro Orbitor