Yo __________ de Quito.
What is soy
This word means "I sleep" in Spanish.
What is " yo duermo"
A calm person would respond with "estoy tranquilo" to what question?
What is "cómo estás?"
In Spanish this English sentence, "My grandmother is more artistic than my father" would sound like...
What is " Mi abuela es más artística que mi padre"
The Spanish word for stairs
What is escalera.
Quito ___________ en Ecuador
What is está.
This word means "she asks" in Spanish.
What is "pide"
A person would respond with llueve y hace frio.
What is " Qué tiempo hace?"
In Spanish this English sentence, " I like grapes, I like to eat fruit in the morning.
What is "Me gustan las uvas, Me gusta comer fruta en la mañana."
The Spanish word for furniture
What is " muebles"
Mi abuela _________ maestra.
What is es
This word means "they return" in Spanish
What is " ellos vuelven"
A person would respond with " Los zapatos son rojos" to this question.
What is "De qué color son los zapatos?"
In Spanish, this English sentence, "Your sister is as tall as my brother." would sound like this.
What is " Tu hermana es tan alta como mi hermano"
The Spanish word meaning to leave or to go out
What is "salir"
Nosotros _______________ enojados.
What is estamos
This word means " we find" in Spanish.
What is "encontramos"
A person would respond with " Tengo quince años..." to this question.
What is "Cuántos años tienes?"
In Spanish, this English sentence, " I see a lot of buses downtown " would sound like this.
What is " (Yo) Veo muchos autobuses en el centro"
The Spanish phrase meaning to be right.
What is " tener razón"
Tú ___________ perezoso.
What is eres
This word means "he is going to run" in Spanish. This word means "I am going to need " in Spanish.
What is " el va a correr " in Spanish. What is " Yo voy a necesitar"
A person would respond with " Prefiero llevar pantalones cortos en el verano" to this question.
What is ¿"Que prefieres llevar en el verano?"
In Spanish, this English sentence, "They play guitar in music class " would sound like this.
What is "Tocan guitarra en la clase de música"
To eat lunch.
What is "almorzar"