The Sri Lankan version of relish is this food.
what is Pol Sambol?
This is the most famous city in Sri Lanka
What is Colombo?
This person is the best spinner in the world.
who is Muttiah Muralitharan?
the climate is severely effected by this.
what are monsoons?
sigiriya is special because of this.
what is because of the fortress made of natural rock?
To reduce sourness in Ambul thiyal sour fish curry you should add this.
what is to add more salt?
The city Kandy is famous for this temple.
what is the home of the Temple of the Tooth Relic?
Don Sirisena died in this year.
What is 1986?
The best climate is during these months.
when is December-March?
This is the dress code in Sri Dalada Maligawa.
what is white attire covering your shoulders and legs?
you eat this with Kiribath.
what is any type of curry specifically spicy chicken curry or vegan cashew curry?
The city Galle got its name from this.
what is the legend of the large number of bullock carts parked within the city?
The first prime minster of Ceylon was this guy.
Who is D.S Senanayake?
The coldest month is this.
What is January?
This is the cost to get into the Galle Dutch Fort.
what is free cost?
This food is also called lump rice.
what is Lamprais?
This language is spoken in Trincomalee.
what is Sri Lankan Tamil?
Mahinda Rajapaksa is how old.
what is 79 years old?
Sri is this climate all over.
what is humid?
This is why the Dambulla Cave Temple is famous.
what is because it is the best preserved cave temple?
This crab is best for Crab Curry.
what is blue crab?
Anuradhapura was abandoned because of this.
what is the invasion in 993?
Shyam Selvadurai played in this movie.
what is Funny boy?
Sir Lanka has this many seasons.
What is 3 seasons?
This is how tall Ruwanwelisaya is.
what is 103 meters tall?