Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Time After Time
Rise of the Machines
Be Here or Be Square
F is for Friends

The 3 "Be"s of Summit Ridge.

What are Be Safe, Be Respectful, & Be Engaged.


Which lunch you have (A-D) is based on this class period.

What is 3rd period?


Chromebooks should be charged at this location & only this location.

What is at home?


SRMS has a grading scale that aligns with IB requirements. Assignments are now graded on a scale from 1 to this number.

What is 8?


The person or people you should check in with if you are having a school or social problem.

What are counselors (or trusted adults)? Trusted adults can include your grade level counselor, admin, teachers, or another adult in the building.


If you know about a safety issue and aren't able to talk to an adult at school, you can report it to this organization/app.

What is Safe2Tell?


What days of the week are Study Hall in Advisement?

What are Tuesday & Thursday?


These two items must remain inside of your backpack at all times during breakfast.

What are cellphones & Chromebooks?


True or False: You can get a minor referral for being tardy?

What is true?


The names of your grade level counselor & administrator.

Who are: (6th) Ms. Dobson & Mr. Varney, (7th) Mr. Obermeyer & Ms. Svaldi, (8th) Mr. Enlund & Ms. Meyer?


Three expectations during a fire drill.

What are walk in a single file line, voices are off, & stay with your teacher?

Other possible answers: teacher leads the line, last student out of the room closes the classroom door, exit through the nearest & safest exit.


You must be off school grounds by this time.

What is 4:20 pm?


If you are having an issue with your Chromebook, this is the first thing you should do.

What is consult the tech poster in classrooms/use the Chromebook Help Document? *If* that doesn't work, then fill out the Chromebook Help form.


In order to make Silver Honor Roll, your GPA must be in this range.

What is 3.50-3.99?


To celebrate both academic and behavioral success of students, we have at least two of these celebrations/assemblies each year.

What are PBIS Assemblies?

In the cafeteria, you should remain seated unless you are doing one of these 4 things. Name at least 2 of the 4. 

What are getting a hot lunch, cleaning up trash/my table, asking an adult a question, & being dismissed to go to recess?


You should only visit your lockers during this time.

What is passing period?


If you need to call home during the school day, you should do this.

What is ask a teacher of the main office to use their phone?


For every day you are absent you get this many days to complete make up work.

What is two days?


We have one of these planned in January where you can listen to music from a DJ, play arcade-like games, & get free food.

What is an All School Social?


Four main expectations for a lockdown.

What are lock doors, turn out lights, get out of sight, & be silent?


TEACHER CHOICE: Your teacher may ask you any question about the expectations in their classroom & you must answer correctly.

What is whatever your teacher determines the answer to be? ;) 

3 places you should never put your Chromebook.

What are on the floor, near food/drinks, and in direct sunlight for extended periods of time?

Other possible answers: extreme temperatures, the cafeteria, partially over the edge of a table/desk.


If you are going on trip for any reason & you know ahead of time, you should fill out this form that is available in the main office.

What is a pre-arranged absence form?


Traits or behaviors that make someone a good friend.

Your teacher gets to judge whether or not your answer is correct. Possible Answers: Trustworthy, Honest, Kind, Respect Your Boundaries, They Talk with You Not About You etc.
