What is multiculturalism?
A policy or ideology that promotes the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society
What is reconciliation?
Coming to terms with the past and mending the broken relationships. Specifically between Indigenous people and the Canadian government.
What is an example of contending loyalties?
Answers will vary. Examples:
Nation vs. class: WGS
Nation vs. Religion: Ireland
When was the quite revolution?
1960s and 1970s
How many communities did the commissioners visit?
What is regionalism?
Loyalty to the interests of a particular region rather than a nation as a whole.
What year did the Oka Crisis take place?
What was the Quiet Revolution?
Significant social, political, and economic reforms in Quebec.
How many people made up the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People? Were they of Indigenous descent?
3 Non-Indigenous
4 Indigenous
Total of 7
What is a reasonable accommodation?
a legal and constitutional concept that requires Canadian public institutions to the religious and cultural practices of minorities as long as those practices do not violate other rights and freedoms.
How many Canadian soldiers were involved in this crisis?
What is Bill 101?
Made French the only official language of Quebec, French used in all workplaces, courts, legal documents, public signs
What is cultural pluralism?
Encouraging people from various cultures to affirm and promote their unique cultural identities.
Was the golf course ultimately built? Who had to step in for the final verdict to be reached?
No, the federal government bought the land and gave it to the Mohawk people.
What was the Quebec Anglophone response to Bill 101?
Felt that it took their rights away, moved out of Quebec, challenged the laws
What were the 4 principles that the Royal Commission proposed to renew the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people?
Mutual Recognition
What is collective consciousness?
An awareness shared by members of a group, society, or nation that they belong to a collective.
Describe the main conflict of the Oka Crisis.
The Villiage of Oka wanted to build a golf course on the traditional land of the Mohawk people, specifically, this land was a burial ground.
What is a Soverignist?
What is a federalist?
What is their belief in terms of Quebec?
Soverignists believe that Quebec is a sovereign nation and should be politically separate from Canada
Federalists believe that Quebec should remain a part of Canada.
The Royal Commission was guided by a central question, what was this question?
What are the foundations of a fair and honorable relationship between the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people of Canada?