What are the three steps in the Ways to Stay Safe?
Recognize, Report, Refuse
When should you use the Always Ask First Rule?
Before going somewhere, doing something, or accepting something from someone
What is an unsafe touch?
Any touch that hurts your body
What is the Private Body Parts Rule?
No one should touch, look at, or show private body parts, or ask you to do so
Why is reporting important for staying safe?
It helps ensure adults can keep you safe
What does 'Recognize' mean in the Ways to Stay Safe?
Identifying if a situation is safe or not
Who are the only people you should ask for permission?
Your parents or the person in charge of you
What is an unwanted touch?
Any touch you don’t like or that makes you feel uncomfortable
What should you do if the rule is broken?
Refuse and report to a trusted adult
What should you do if you feel uncomfortable with someone's behavior?
Recognize, refuse, and report
Give an example of when you might need to 'Report' something.
When someone is breaking the Private Body Parts Rule or if you feel unsafe
Why is it important to ask first before accepting gifts?
To make sure it is safe and appropriate
What should you do if someone gives you an unwanted touch?
Refuse and report to a trusted adult
Which part of the rule did Aunt Beth break?
She made Lee look at a private body part
How can you refuse in a situation where someone asks you to keep an unsafe secret?
Say no firmly and tell a trusted adult
How can you say 'no' in a situation where you feel uncomfortable?
By using assertive words and body language to refuse
What should you do if the person you ask does not understand that you are uncomfortable?
Report your feelings clearly and ask for help from another trusted adult
What was an example of an unwanted touch in Lee’s story?
When Aunt Beth tried to take Lee to a secret place
Why is it important not to keep secrets about broken safety rules?
Because keeping secrets can prevent adults from keeping you safe
What did Lee do when his mom didn’t understand his discomfort?
He reported to his grandpa
How did Lee use the Ways to Stay Safe in the story?
He recognized the unsafe situation, refused to keep a secret, and reported to his grandpa
How did Lee apply the Always Ask First Rule in the lesson?
He called his mom before going anywhere with Aunt Beth
How can you help a friend who experiences an unsafe touch?
Encourage them to report and support them in finding a trusted adult
What if the first adult you report to doesn’t believe you?
Keep reporting until you find an adult who believes you and can help
How can you practice reporting in a safe environment?
Role-playing with a partner or practicing what to say in different scenarios