The Plymouth colonly
Massachusetts Bay Colony

Who was the founder of JamesTown?

John Smith


Who led a group of Quakers to the New World

Willaim Penn


About the time Jamestown was founded, a group of people wanted to separate from the Church of England. These people were known as?



In 1630, 900 Puritans left England and were led by, Who to the New World?

John Winthrop


How did Jamestown become unsuccessful at first?

Many settlers refused to work, till John smith came and said the phrase: "He who works not, eats not"


What was "The City of brotherly love"



In 1620, these people left and settled in the New world. The became what?



In 1692, hysteria about witches swept through where?  The events that followed became know as the what?

1. Salem, Massahusetts. 2. Salem witch trials


How did John Rolfe help the Jamestown colony? (Extra)

In 1612, John Rolfe developed a high-grade tobacco that the colonists learned to grow. It quickly became very popular in England. The success of tobacco growing changed Jamestown in many ways. The Virginia Company thought of the colonists as employees. The colonists, however, wanted a share of the profits.


What was Pennsylvania called?

The Holy Experiment.


In 1620 about 100 Pilgrims sailed for the New World in a ship called "???"                                                         Before coming ashore, 41 males signed the "?????"

1.The mayflower                                                   2. The mayflower compact


What was the purpose of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? (Extra)

The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony intended to set up a society that would accord with what they believed to be God's wishes.


How did some people pay for their passage to Jamestown?

The company offered a 50-acre land grant for each man, woman, or child who could pay his or her way to the colony. Those who could not afford passage to America were encouraged to become indentured servants.


When did the Quakers start their religion? (Extra)



Why did the Pilgrims decide to leave England and make the dangerous trip to the New World? (Extra)

There was a group of people called Separatists that wanted to separate from the Church of England. The Separatists, under the leadership of William Bradford, decided to leave England and start a settlement of their own so that they could practice their religion freely. Bradford went to the Virginia Company and asked them for a charter, or permission to establish a new colony, in Virginia.


What religion did Massachusetts Bay Colony practice? (Extra)

In 1630 a group of people called Puritans left England for North America. The settlement they started in America was called the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Puritans were a group of Protestant Christians with strict religious beliefs.


What is the House of Burgesses and why was it created? (Extra)

To provide for more local control, the company decided that burgesses, or elected representatives, of the colonists would meet once a year in an assembly. The House of Burgesses, created in 1619, became the first representative assembly in the American colonies.


What Holy books did the Quakers use? (Extra)

Most Quakers regard the Bible as a very great inspirational book but they don't see it as the only one, and so they read other books that can guide their lives.


What idea for government did the Pilgrims create?  What is this known as? (Extra)

The plan of government became known as the Mayflower Compact, a social contract for self-government. The men agreed to consult each other about the laws for the colony, and they promised to work together to make the colony succeed. All the men signed the document. Women were not allowed to participate.


What were the achievements of the Massachusetts colony? (Extra)

The Puritans created a legislative and administrative assembly free from royal oversight. Additionally, the first public school in North America, the Boston Latin School, was established in Boston in 1635, and Harvard University was founded in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636.
