Knowledge Accumulation
Teacher Moves
Multiple Perspectives &Literacy Across Disciplines

Science instruction is centered around three key ideas; Disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and...

what is science and engineering practices.


Questioning strategy which should be used as an opportunity to collect data from multiple students in pairs. 

What is Turn & Talk


Make a claim that is supported by evidence

What is making evidence based claims?


Which team facilitated swim lessons for many years?

Who is Jackie C


Tells us that we must first overcome our students attention barrier  so they can receive new information into their working memory.

What is information processing model


Questioning Strategy which should be used to encourage all students to think critically about a question. 

What is a cold call.


Students develop a critical perspective, questioning the validity of information and looking for potential biases

What is critical lens?

Which team member is engaged to be married soon.

Who is Matt!


After new information is presented to students, they should be asked to recall it at increasing intervals (i.e. each day, then once-a-week, then once-a-month), in order to facilitate the process of storage in long-term memory

What is spaced retrieval? 


Questioning strategy which should be used to encourage all students to think about a question and then show their answer in written form.

What is Stop & jot.


The thought that scientific knowledge should be organized around a coherent story that emphasizes the connections, causes, effects, changes over time, and other narrative elements in science content. 

What is Coherent Story?


This team member has been teaching for over 20 years.

Who Is Shenene.


Teachers use knowledge building facts related to a specific unit (facts, theories, people) placed around the classroom to create an experience for students that builds their knowledge as the unit goes on.

What is creating an immersive experience? 


A move that teachers use to clearly communicate to students what they should see and hear happening at that time.

What are Observable directions.


The idea that sometimes it may make sense for students to discover a phenomena before they have the tools to understand what they are observing or why it happens. 

What is front loading knowledge?


This team member teachers science to 3, 4, and 5th grade and is considered a "science Tr. Veteran in their building.

Who is Ms. Wright.


Provide opportunities for students to make meaning with new knowledge and store it when it organized around an overarching concept

What is organization of knowledge around big ideas


A move that supports student accountability, on task behavior, and allows teachers to check in on every student with a specific look for as they circulate.

What is an intentional lap.


The idea that science instruction should provide an opportunity for students to read widely and attain new knowledge through reading scientific texts. 

What is volume of reading.


Pick anyone and recall the school which they teach at, however it cannot be someone who teaches at your school.

Answers may vary
