Do this for 20 seconds to prevent Food born illness
what is washing your hands
Use airtight containers to keep moisture and these out of dry goods.
Promptly clean these up to prevent slips and falls.
What is spills?
what is the USDA?
If a food is RTE, what does that mean?
What is Ready To Eat?
Avoid contaminating food with hair by doing this.
What is pulling your hair back/up?
Use airtight containers in the freezer to prevent this.
What is freezer burn?
Use these near sinks and cooking areas to prevent slips.
What is non-slip mats?
This regulator is responsible for ensuring the safety of all other foods, including seafood and animal drugs.
What is the FDA?
These should be cleaned and sanitized more often than other areas of the facility.
What are food contact surfaces?
When working in the food industry, it is important to keep these short and clean and NEVER get fake ones that could fall off in your food.
What is nails?
You should regularly clean your refrigerator to prevent bacteria and growth of this.
Wash dishes, utensils and cutting boards with this to ensure they are washed thoroughly.
What is hot, soapy water?
This is designed to identify and control potential problems before they occur.
What is HACCP?
These are infections or irritations of the gastrointestinal tract caused by food or beverages which contain bacteria, parasites, viruses or chemicals.
What are foodborne illnesses?
Be sure to wear these everyday to avoid cross contamination and to make sure that you are presentable to the public.
What is clean clothing.
What is the Danger Zone?
Consider using this to sanitize your dishes for extra safety.
What is a dishwasher?
This has the following disadvantages:
– can burn skin
– inappropriate for general sanitation
– may form films or scale
– will not kill fungal spores
What is hot water?
These are bacterial communities which produce a substance which protects them from their environment and helps them to stick to food contact surfaces
what are biofilms?
When sneezing or coughing in the kitchen, it's best to sneeze/cough in this.
What is your inner elbow?
These should be stored in the refrigerator at temperatures below 40 degrees until they are ready to use.
What is perishable foods?
What is disinfect?
This should take place daily for walls, floors and large equipment.
What is cleaning and sanitizing?
Doing this protects the consumer from foodborne contaminants related to disease-producing organisms
what is Sanitizing?