What is an indentured servant
someone who works without pay for a couple of years in exchange for travel expenses
What is an Artisan (name 2 )
a worker with a special skill set ex: carpenter, barrel maker, shoe maker, blacksmith
What are the 2 types of farms NY had
small farms and manors
Name 3 chores young boys did in the 1700s
gather eggs, milk cows, cut wood, herd cows, harvest crops
What is tax
A sum of money paid to help support the gov
Who was allowed to vote be specific
white men who owned property
Where did enslaved workers usually live
same roof as their master
What did NY export (name 3)
fur, wheat, flour, wood, fish and vegtables
Name 3 chores a young girl in the 1700s would have to do
make meals with mom, gather eggs, milk the cows, wash clothes
Why is NY called a mixing pot
because of the different cultures all combined together
Who was elected govenor of NY
What were enslaved workers in charge of on farms (name 3)
clearing land, planting and picking crops, taking care of the animals
Where did NY get fur from
native Americans
Why did the Dutch have such a hard time in school
they spoke a different language
Define export and import
export-send goods out, import bring goods in
Which colonies formed Great Britain
Scotland, Wales, England
What were enslaved women chores (name 3)
cooked, cleaned, sewed, watched over the children
What rare goods did Great Britain supply (name 3)
books, sugar, tea, spices, pottery
What did Richard Nicolls declare about schooling
that the english language must be taught
Define goods and services
goods-a product someone makes, services-work that is done for others
Name 3 dutch traditions
free trade, religious tolerance, tolerance of language
What made Jupiter Hammon different from others in his safe situation
he was taught how to read and write
How many enslaved men and women lived on the Philisburg Manor
Name 3 things Ny colonist did for fun
sang, danced, played instruments
What is a manor
a large area of land owned by one landowner