What is the Holy text for Islam?
Shia, Sunni
What are the four books of the bible that tell about Jesus' life?
The Gospels
What is the Eightfold Path?
Buddhists believe, that following this eight step path, will lead to ending desires and enlightment.
What is the order from the largest populated religion to the smallest?
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.
What is the Holy text for Judaism, and the name of the first five books?
Hebrew Bible/Tanakh (Torah are the first five books).
Greek Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic
What is the first part of the Bible?
Old Testemant/ Hebrew Bible
What are the Four Noble Truths?
Written in the Tripitaka, these pricipals guide an indivdual to escape suffering.
Whta is the oldest religion to newest?
Hinduism, Judsaism, Buddhism,Christianity, and Islam.
What is the Holy text for Christianity?
What are the denominations for Judaism?
Orthodox, Reform, and conservative.
What is the second half of the Bible called?
New Testemant.
The idea that people create their own destiny throug ever action, word or thought.
What is the Shariah?
A path to be followed (Islam).
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Proffesion of faith, prayer, giving, fasting, and pilgrimage
Get baptised
What is Nirvana?
A state of perfect hapiness.
What is the Hadith?
A collection of sayings from Muhammed.
What is the Holy text for Buddishm?
Where was Muhammed born?
He died on the cross for us.
What is reincarnation?
After death you will be reborn.
What is the Hajj?
A path taken by muslims to cleanse there souls.