Agriculture and tech advancements
Important people
Important people continued

What was the Treaty of Paris

It ended the Revolutionary War between America and Britain


Who invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts?

Eli Whitney


What was Benedict Arnold known for

He is the infamous American traitor who attempted to surrender West Point to The British.


Who did Queen Isabella of Spain sponsor? What were three ships he traveled in on his journey?

- Christopher Columbus

- The Nina, Pinta, and The Santa Maria 


In what year was gold found in California? When did most people begin to arrive to search for gold? Who actually got wealthy?

- 1848

- 1849

- Merchants


Who was given credit for the victory at the Battle of New Orleans

General Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States.


Why was it hard for farming to occur in the north? Why was it easy in the South?

In the north, the soil was not firtle; in the south, the environment was perfect for farming.


Who was Barron Von Steuben?

A former Prussian army officer helped to train the Continental army at Valley Forge.


Who was Charles Cornwallis? 

He was a British general, lost the battle of Cornwallis


What is the dirty 4 letter word that means the country or government owes money?

(National) dept


What treaty ended the Texas Revolution? Who was the leader of the Mexicans? who was the leader of the Texans

- The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago 

-General Santa Anna

- Sam Huston


What were three of the main advancements in technology that made farming easier?

Mechanical Reaper - quickly harvested wheat plants

Thresher - separated the wheat grain from the actual stalk

Steel Tipped Plow - made agriculture easier in the midwest


Who was Sacagawea?

A Native American who greatly assisted in the Lewis and Clark expedition and the success of the mission.


What did Alexandar Hamilton do?

He was the secretary of the treasury, developed the Federalist Party, and lost a duel against vice president Aaron Burr.


What is Manifest Destiny? Who proposed this?

The idea that America should spread from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This idea was created by John O' Sullivan.


What was the Treaty of Ghent

It ended the war of 1812


what was a telegraph? Morse code?

- a device for easily transmitting and receiving messages over long distances

- an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short signals of light or sound


Who was James Maddison? 

4th president of the United States. The main writer of the Constitution.


what important artifact did Dolly Madison save?

The portrait of GW that is still in the oval office today.


How did Washington keep us from another war with Britain or France?

The Proclamation of Neutrality


what battle became known as the first shot of The Revolutionary War. What was considered the turning point of the war, and why? What was the last battle of the war why did General Cornwallis surrender

- The Battle of Lexington and Concord

- The Battle of Saratoga, the French became allies with the colonists

- The Battle of Yorktown, Cornwallis was surrounded


what inventions greatly improved transportation in the early to mid 1800s

- steam engine

- canals

- clipper ships

- trains and railroads


Who were the daughters of liberty, and what did they do?

An organization of women that organized boycotts, encouraged people to make their products and not purchase from The British.


What Improtant deal did Napolean Bonaparte make with the U.S., Who was the president at this time?

- The Luisiana Purchase

- Thomas Jefferson


The Supreme Court’s power of Judicial Review was established with which court case?

The Marbury vs Maddison case
