Luke Skywalker lost his original blue lightsaber in "The Empire Strikes Back." It was replaced by a lightsaber of WHAT color in the "Return of the Jedi?"
This pop superstar created a dance sensation with the release of the music video for the song "Thriller."
Michael Jackson
This NBA superstar reached the Finals in 8 straight years, but with 2 different NBA teams.
Lebron James
tHiS uNdErWaTeR cArToOn iS rEsPoNsIbLe fOr a bUnCh oF MeMes, iNcLuDiNg ThE oNe I'm UsInG rIgHt nOw.
Spongebob Squarepants
This mountain is the tallest in all of North America.
Denali (Mt McKinley)
Tony Stark, or Iron Man, is played by this famous actor.
Robert Downey Jr.
This popular "Atlanta" rapper is actually from Great Britain, and was recently deported.
21 Savage
This skateboarder was the first ever person to land 2 1/2 spins on a halfpipe, also known as a 900 (after doing this, he got a video game series named after him).
Tony Hawk!
What is the name of the hefty rabbit that took the internet by storm last year?
Big Chungus
This popular video game allows users to "build" structures to protect themselves during a battle royale between 100 players.
This movie, which features the voices of Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, and many other famous actors, was Pixar's first feature length film.
This singer/songwriter was a star well before her starring role in the hit movie "A Star is Born."
Lady Gaga
This baseball team has won more championships than any other franchise, thanks to superstars like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and Joe DiMaggio.
The New York Yankees.
Instagram was sold for billions of dollars to the owners of what other social media company?
This animal is the largest mammal to ever live on earth!
Blue Whale
This Netflix movie imagined a world invaded by monsters that caused witnesses to commit suicide.
This band had a record 20 songs that reached the number 1 spot on the charts, starting with "I want to hold your hand" in 1964.
The Beatles!
This swimmer led the US men's Olympic team for years, and has won 23 gold medals, the most ever for any athlete.
Michael Phelps!
This popular internet forum uses a system of "upvotes" and "downvotes" that allow users to determine a post's popularity.
Oxfords, Chukkas, and Chelseas are all types of what??
This actor began his career as a professional wrestling superstar, and now is the highest paid actor in Hollywood!
The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
This British lead singer for the band "Queen" was actually born in Tanzania!
Freddie Mercury
This country's team won the 2018 Fifa Men's World Cup in soccer.
This pop star rose to fame when he was noticed by Usher on Youtube, dancing and singing as a young teenager.
Justin Bieber!
This US President is the only one to serve for more than 2 terms in office (more than 8 years).
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)