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This hometown boy is the only person from Georgia ever elected as president.

Who is Jimmy Carter?


Atlanta's first African American mayor (actually any major Southern city's first!)

Who is Maynard Jackson?


Name three reasons film makers come to Georgia to film their shows/movies? 

What is tax breaks, climate, resources (people, land, transportation)?


I hid under ground as I grow but once I break out, I can spread my joy! I am eaten at baseball games. What am I?

What is a peanut?


Why would any city or state want to host the Olympic Games? 

What is MONEY!! 


This allowed local districts to make their own decision regarding desegregation, which made the process of integration very slow.

What is The Sibley Commission


Which African American politician began as an aide to Martin Luther King, Jr. and was the first African American Senator elected since Reconstruction?

Who is Andrew Young?


Why did Georgia invest so much time and money in SHEP?

What is allow more boats/bigger boats, increase revenue, provide more jobs, increase economy. 


I am soft and fuzzy on the outside but my heart is hard as stone! Who am I? (think Georgia foods ya'll)

What is a peach?


This was the year celebration of the 1996 Centennial Olympics? 

What is 100 century


This is the award President Carter received for his efforts at the Camp David Accords and the relationship he helped build between Israel and Egypt. 

What is the Nobel Peace Prize?


This guy expanded the work of William Hartsfield and helped Atlanta become one of the busiest cities in the world!

Who is Maynard Jackson?


This is the 4th busiest container port in the US and fastest growing port in the US

What is the Savannah Harbor Port Expansion, in Savannah, Georgia?


This is one of Georgia's largest industries? Provides jobs, and bring growth to economy. Allows people to travel outside their homes. 

What is the tourism? 


Can you describe short impact of the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta? 

Creation of Centennial Olympic Park, apartments, hotels, & businesses, Infrastructure-roads, sidewalks, parks, streetlights General Cleanup: litter pickup,repainting graffiti, etc.


In 1956, the Georgia Assembly approved this.  This decision was basic on a symbolic of Georgia’s resistance to the federal government’s integration laws.

What is the 1956 state flag?


As co-chair of Georgia’s 1996 Olympic committee, this former mayor of Atlanta is given most of the credit for Atlanta landing the 1996 Olympics.

Who is Andrew Young?


Tourism is one of Georgia's major industries (money makers).  Why is tourism so popular in our state? 

One of Georgia’s largest industries. Travel to mountains, beaches, & major cities. Provide jobs & bring growth to economy


Which is heavier a pound of cotton or a pound of peanuts? 

What is they both weigh a pound!! 


How do Olympic games help cities/states long term? 

What is provide jobs, new facilities, improved International name recognition Hub for conventions and sports Atlanta population increased Billions of dollars generated for Atlanta and Georgia


This is  what the Carter family's fortune was based on.

What are peanuts?

He was a Senator, Governor and President.

Who is Jimmy Carter


Give two examples of Georgia's ability to participate in a global market.

What is Hartsfield Jackson Airport and Savannah Harbor.  Will accept interstate system as well because you can use the interstates to go to other airports and harbors. 


What is just an old sweet song but always on my mind?

What is Georgia?  Look up the lyrics to Georgia On My Mind!! 


Where were the 1996 Olympics held?

What is Atlanta and across the state of Georgia?
