French Society
French Royalty
The French middle class were known as this
Who are the bourgeoisie
In English, what are the following Roman numerals: XIV, XV, XVI
What is 14,15,16
This group raised new ideas through debate and discussion that were centered around society, politics and social problems
Who were the philosophes
Louis XVI's unlimited spending had run France into near bankruptcy sparking the start of this major event
What was the French Revolution
On August 4th 1789, this group met in Versailles and abolished all feudal rights and privileges, ending serfdom and declaring all people equal before the law.
What is the National Assembly
1/10 of individuals annual income or produce from land was paid to the government. This was known as a ...
What is tithe or tax
This individual nicknamed himself the Sun King and spent millions of his peoples Francs on building the Palace of Versailles
Who is Louis XIV (14th)
Sensing a change coming, King Louis XVI called a meeting of this group, composed of Aristocrats, whom he thought would support him. However, he soon recognized that they wanted democracy and were unwilling to bow to his demands.
Who was the Estate General
This document, containing ideas from philosopher John Locke and the philosophes, set out the basic human rights that governments could not overlook.
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
Land belonged primarily to individuals from these three societal classes
What are aristocrats, royalty and/or Catholic Church
Protestants who followed the strict philosophy of John Calvin were known as
Who are Calvinists
Women were especially important to the spread of new ideas. They held these, where ideas about society, religion and government could be freely exchanged
What are salons
In 1789 thousands of French people met in this famous French city sensing a revolution starting and history being made
What is Versailles
These three political groups began to fight for power upon the detainment of the French royal family.
Who are the Girondists, Jacobins and the Sans-Culottes
This group was forced to work on their lord's property or on government projects. Their lives were brutal as they were often the victims of epidemics and famine. They were known as
Who are peasants
While crisis ensued during his reign, this King of France did little to improve conditions for the middle and lower classes, as he seemed to have no understanding of the problems at hand.
Who is Louis XVI (16th)
Many philosophes were against religion which they viewed as old-fashioned or superstitious. These new ideas lead to the period known as this.
What is Enlightenment
As the start of the revolution heated up, people feared that the king would use soldiers against them, and decided to preemptively attack the royal prison and fortress known as this.
What is the Bastille - led to the Fall of the Bastille
This radical group lead the revolution, which was headed by this ruthless man.
Who were the Jacobins led by Maximilien Robespierre
This is known as the situation in which the price of goods rises quickly, which in France made buying flour for bread (a staple food), very difficult for most people
What is inflation
Marie Antoinette was involved in a scandal in which she purchased jewels worth more than the annual income of France, putting the French government into crisis. This situation became known as what?
What is the Affair of the Diamond Necklace
These three philosophes were internationally renowned for their ideas about society, which ranged from freedom of thought to the need for a social contract.
Who were Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquieu
Revolutionary feelings spread quickly throughout the French countryside, which resulted in a panic known as this.
What is the Great Fear
Upon his fall from power, this group, controlled by the middle class, formed the new French government and gave most of the power to the people.
What is The Directory