Fought from 1939 to 1945, this global conflict saw the Allies overcome the Axis powers.
World War 2
This statue given to the United States was a gift from France and symbolizes freedom and democracy.
What is the Statue of Liberty?
“The Starry Night,” painted in 1889, is by this Post-Impressionist artist.
Who is Vincent van Gogh?
The ancient city of Babylon is found in this modern-day country.
What is Iraq?
This planet is often called Earth’s “sister planet” due to its similar size but has a much hotter surface.
What is Venus?
Which African nation became the first from the continent to reach the FIFA World Cup Semi-Final in 2022
What is Morocco?
What is the National Food of Palestine?
What is Msakhan.
What is the formula for area of a Circle
Pi r^2
Which country did the United States invade in 2001?
What is Afghanistan
This Incan citadel sits high in the Andes Mountains of Peru.
What is Macchu Picchu
The Sistine Chapel’s ceiling was painted by this artist
Who is Michelangelo Buonarroti?
Palmyra is located in this Middle Eastern country.
Earth’s natural satellite, which orbits our planet every ~27.3 days, is called this.
What is the Moon
Which hockey player holds the record for most career goals?
What is Alex Ovechkin?
What is the most Expensive spice in the world.
What is Saffron
When light enters a different medium and changes direction, it undergoes this phenomenon.
What is Refraction
Which war led to the creation of NATO?
What is the Cold War
This ancient Roman structure, once capable of holding 50,000 spectators, was used for gladiator battles and public spectacles
What is the Colosseum?
This Palestinian poet, whose works have inspired numerous paintings and murals across the Middle East, wrote "Unfortunately, It Was Paradise"
Who is Mahmoud Darwish.
The “Empty Quarter,” one of the largest sand deserts in the world, spans several countries on this peninsula.
What is the Arabian Peninsula?
The Great Red Spot, a giant storm system that has raged for centuries, is found on this planet.
What is Jupiter
Which player inspired the NBA logo?
What is Jerry West?
This slow-cooked rice dish, often made with lamb or chicken and flavored with spices like cardamom and cinnamon, is a staple in Gulf cuisine.
What is Kabsa
This type of distribution, named after a French mathematician, is also called a bell curve.
What is Normal Distribution
This short 1991 war, also called Operation Desert Storm, was fought after Iraq invaded Kuwait.
What is the Gulf War?
Africa’s highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, rises in this country.
Famous for “Guernica,” this Spanish artist co-founded the Cubist movement.
Pablo Piccaso
This empire, which ruled much of the Middle East for over 600 years, collapsed after World War I.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
A violent explosion marking the end of a massive star’s life, often leaving behind a neutron star or black hole, is called this.
What is a Supernova
Which NBA team drafted Kobe Bryant?
What is Charlotte Hornets?
This Japanese dish consists of thinly sliced raw fish, often served with soy sauce and wasabi.
What is sashimi.
Einstein's famous equation
describes the relationship between energy and this property of matter.
What is Mass.
This 1919 treaty officially ended World War I, imposing heavy reparations on Germany and redrawing the borders of Europe.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
This prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain in England remains a mystery regarding its original purpose.
The Stonehenge
The marble statue “David,” completed in 1504, is a masterpiece by this Italian High Renaissance sculptor.
Who is Michelangelo Buonarroti?
This Middle Eastern city is the only one that straddles two continents, Europe and Asia.
What is Istanbul?
The asteroid belt lies between these two planets in our solar system.
What are Mars and Jupiter?
The fastest goal ever scored in a Champions League final was scored by this player in 51 seconds
What is Maldini?
This rare fungus grows underwound near Oak tree , and is one of the expensive ingredients in the world
What is Truffle.
The pH scale measures the concentration of these ions in a solution.
What are hydrogen ions or protons?
Fought between 1992 and 1995, this conflict erupted after the breakup of Yugoslavia, primarily affecting Bosnia and Herzegovina.
What is the Bosnian War?
Once a Byzantine basilica and later an Ottoman mosque, this monumental structure is found in Istanbul.
What is the Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya)
Pop Art pioneer Andy Warhol famously produced silkscreens of this Hollywood star, including a neon-colored series.
Who is Marilyn Monroe?
This famous collection of ancient texts, discovered in caves near the Dead Sea, dates from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE.
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
this planet’s largest moon, Titan, has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen.
What is Saturn
Who is the first European player to win NBA MVP?
What is Dirk Nowitzki
In this Asian country chewing gum is illegal unless prescribed by a doctor.
What is Singapore.
This law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.
What is the first law of thermodynamics.