What is nutrition?
The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth; branch of science that deals with nourishment and diet
We can gain nourishment through eating and drinking different foods
What is social engagement (i.e. how is it different from just describing your relationships)?
We engage in social interactions in our daily lives (at home, at school, at work, in the community etc.)
Social engagement is different from just describing relationships, we all know the different types of relationships we can have but social engagement is about the intent and types of interactions we have with different types of people
What are healthy habits (remember what a habit is!)?
Routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously
Healthy Habits: a behaviour that is beneficial to one's physical or mental health, often linked to a high level of discipline and self-control. Once you have made something a habit it becomes automatic and something you do without thinking about it
What does sleep hygiene refer to?
•Sleep hygiene refers to habits that support you in having a good nights sleep (remember what a habit is from last week)
•It’s not about being clean before bed like what we usually mean when we refer to hygiene
•It’s the routine you do before going to bed or are getting into bed for sleep
•Sleep hygiene is about having proper bed time routines/habits and getting a good nights rest
Why is it important to have a balanced diet?
You can still eat foods that aren't as nutrient dense but try adding other nutrient rich foods to it (e.g. adding fruit as a side to your morning pancakes) or making sure you're not eating those kinds of foods every day or multiple times a week
It's important to remember to add in fruits and vegetables as they are a big source of different vitamins and minerals you won't get as much of through others foods such as meat
What are different types of social engagements?
With strangers, acquaintances/mutual friends, short term, coworkers, friendships, and romantic
Give 3 examples of a healthy habit (only ONE can be hygiene related).
Take an exercise break throughout the day
Take an online break
Keep your brain moving, learn something new or read a book!
Get regular exercise
Be outdoors
Work on mindfulness
Straighten your posture and stretch
Try to smile more!
End the day by tidying up your space
Have good dental hygiene
Have good overall hygiene
Avoid judging others
Schedule our your days and healthy habits
Have a balanced diet
Drink more water
Engage in a healthy sleep hygiene
What does poor sleep hygiene look like? Name at least 3 things.
Not getting enough hours of sleep, not getting a restful sleep, having low energy throughout the day/being tired, having an inconsistent sleep schedule, staying up very late, using electronics before going to sleep, not having a solid routine
Name 3 nutrient dense foods (only ONE can be a fruit or vegetable) and 3 nutrient lacking foods.
Name 3 tips for social engagement.
Accept and celebrate differences
Understand you don’t always need to agree and/or like the same things in order to have a relationship with someone
Listen effectively
Give people your time
Develop your communication skills (be open, ask questions, share personal stories)
Manage mobile technology
Learn to give and take feedback
Learn to trust more
Develop empathy
Use humour, be yourself, and have fun!
Why are having healthy habits important?
Improves mental and physical health
improves quality of life
What does good sleep hygiene look like? Name at least 3 things.
Getting the proper amount of hours, having deep restful sleep, having a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed at a proper time, avoiding using devices before bed, having a solid routine (have wind down time, optimize your bedroom, ensuring your bedroom is just for sleeping, lower the temperature, block out light, white noise, special alarms, actual hygiene, mindful food and beverage intake)
What makes up nutrition?
Vitamins, minerals, lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fats
Name 3 things to keep in mind when keeping safe online.
Be honest about yourself and who you are
Make sure anyone you engage with is an adult
Don’t send anything (including texts, pictures, or videos) you wouldn’t want anyone else to see (like your mom or your boss)
Be respectful and kind, even if you get rejected
Understand that no one owes you a relationship, consent goes both ways
Be careful about sharing personal or private information
Understand that not everyone is going to be a good or kind person but give people the benefit of the doubt
If an online relationship is not serving you, leave it behind
If you’re going to meet someone you met online in person, be safe and meet in a public place and let someone know where you’re going, with who, and when to expect you back
Set healthy boundaries (like when and how often you talk) and aim to earn trust
What is quality of life? What does it mean?
Better quality of life will look different for everyone! It is based on you and what you want your life to look like
Having a better quality of life means that your actual life day to day is more in line with what you actually want, need, and enjoy
What is our circadian rhythm?
An internal “body clock”4 regulates your sleep cycle, controlling when you feel tired and ready for bed or refreshed and alert. This clock operates on a 24-hour cycle known as the circadian rhythm. After waking up from sleep, you’ll become increasingly tired throughout the day. These feelings will peak in the evening leading up to bedtime.
As natural light disappears in the evening, the body will release melatonin, a hormone that induces drowsiness. When the sun rises in the morning, the body will release the hormone known as cortisol that promotes energy and alertness.
Create your own healthy plate for lunch!
What are the main differences between romantic and friendly engagements?
Romantic relationships can be viewed as voluntary relationships between individuals who have intentions that each person will be a significant part of their ongoing lives. The interactions are usually more personal/intimate than friendships
Friendships are very similar, but usually less intimate and are based on mutual trust, support, and/or similar interests
Think of 3 ways you can build healthy habits.
Plan. Identify unhealthy patterns and triggers - what's your goal? Make it SMART!
Change your surroundings. Find ways to make healthier choices easy choices
Ask for support in creating new habits
Fill your time with healthy activities
Track your progress
Imagine the future – what are the outcomes?
Reward yourself
Be patient - Start small
Be consistent
Fight through setbacks - keep in mind it takes 30-60 days to create a new habit
Know why you're doing it
Don't choose habits you don't like or see the point of
What are 3 reasons why sleep is important?
•Not getting a good sleep can mess up our internal clocks
•Sleep in when we recharge and heal our bodies
•Sleep can boost our immune systems and strengthen our hearts
•Good sleeps can improve our mood and productivity/memory
•We spend about 1/3rd of our lives sleeping! It’s as important as food and water
•Without sleep we can’t learn, create new memories, or concentrate
•Lack of sleep can lead to health issues and complications