Accepting Feedback
Gratitude and Giving
Family Vacations

Your teacher says your essay needs more details. What’s the best response?
 A) "I guess I’ll add something, but I think it was already good."
 B) Ask for clarification, consider the feedback, and revise it.
 C) Change one sentence and resubmit without thinking.
 D) Say, "I appreciate the feedback," but ignore it.

True humility means improving when given feedback.


Your team wins a class competition. The teacher asks, "How did you succeed?"
 A) "I did most of the work!"
 B) "Thanks to my teammates, it was a real group effort!"
 C) "Honestly, I could’ve won alone."
 D) "It was just luck, I wasn’t even trying."

A humble person acknowledges the team’s effort!


Your parents planned a vacation and ask, "Did you have fun?"
 A) "Whatever, it was okay."
 B) "Yeah, it was fine."
 C) "It was fun! Thanks for planning it!"
 D) "Some parts were fun, but I see how much effort you put into it—thanks!"

Humility means appreciating effort!


Your family drives instead of flying. It feels boring. What do you do?
 A) Complain, "Ugh, why didn’t we fly?"
 B) Ask why they chose to drive.
 C) Play a game or chat to pass time.
 D) Stay silent and scroll on your phone.

Correct: B or C → Humility means appreciating their choices instead of complaining.


Why do we sometimes forget to be humble?"

too selfish or think about your feelings only.


Your coach tells you to work on passing the ball better. What do you do?
 A) Get annoyed and think they don’t like you.
 B) Say “Thanks!” and practice harder.
 C) Brag that you’re already the best on the team.
 D) Ignore them and keep playing your way.

Humility means learning, not getting defensive!


A friend lends you a book, but you didn’t enjoy it. What do you say?
 A) "Thanks for letting me read it! What did you like most about it?"
 B) "It wasn’t my style, but I guess it was okay."
 C) "Thanks, I guess. I won’t read that again."
 D) "It was great!" (Even though you didn’t read it.)

Humility means sincere gratitude, even if you don’t love something.


Your parents take you to a restaurant with new food. You don’t love it. What do you do?
 A) Say, "Ew, this is weird!"
 B) Eat a little but don’t enjoy it.
 C) Give it a chance—you might like it!

 D) Ask, "What made you pick this place?"

 ✅ Correct: C or D → Humility is about being open to experiences!


u feel. What’s the best way to do it?

A) Say, "This place is so boring! Why did we even come here?"
     B) Stay quiet and pretend you like it.
     C) Say, "I was hoping for something more fun, but I see why you picked this place."
     D) Ask, "What did you like about this place?" and share your thoughts after.

  • C acknowledges your feelings without being rude.

D encourages a respectful conversation instead of complaining.


"How can we express our opinions while still being humble?"  Do a role play scenario

  • Humility doesn’t mean staying silent—it means speaking with respect.

  • Curiosity is better than complaining. Instead of rejecting something, ask why!
