This is the address for the facility
What is 8827 Lone Tree Pkwy?
The Hourly Rate for Drop-Ins
What is $5 for Residents and $6 for Non-Residents?
The time FGC Weekly Main Bracket Starts
What is 7:00pm?
Tyler is this many years old
What is 34?
This is when the Drop-In sign comes inside
What is NEVER?
The Hourly Rate for VR and Time Maximum
What is an extra $5?
Double Bonus - Max 1hr
The UPDATED Pot Bonus Structure
What is $50 for 16+ during $5 Venue Fee Weeklies
What is $100 for 16+ during $10 Venue Fee Weeklies
The name of the custom OBS transitions
What are Stingers?
The Hub will have this many projectors here soon
What is 6?
The PS4s are located here
What is the clear tote on the bottom shelf in Tyler's office?
The main goal and/or outcome for Minecraft 1
What is Defeating the Ender Dragon?
Our Annual Sponsor and Media Sponsor for '24
Who are Ting Internet and Douglas County Libraries
The Brooks Adapters are stored here
The bottom drawer of the USB Cable Storage Container
The doors that should be locked EACH night
What are ALL of them?
The Number of Smash Characters attendees should be practicing on Day 3
What is 3?
The MAXIMUM Overall Dollar Amount for Current Discounts
What is $75
The proper way to update the Twitch !bracket
!commands edit !bracket (bracket link)
Tyler's SSBB Main
The best way to get a "hot" ethernet port
What is, matching the port number on the IT Patch Panel to an open port in the Esports Switch
The correct way to log into Riot Games
The Xbox Ultimate login information
The number of rounds in a 32 Person Double-Elimination Bracket
What is Eight (with Bracket Reset)?
This should happen after EVERY Stream
Download Twitch VOD and Upload to YouTube - properly timestamped by Matches
The proper way to clean a glass panel on a PC
With Glass Cleaner AND A PAPER TOWEL