How do you enter the classroom?
How should you line up?
How do you greet your friends?
Say, "Hello."
What do you do once you enter the classroom?
Quietly put your things away / Go to your spot
How do you earn points in class?
Working together / Finishing work / Following Directions
When sitting on the floor, how should your body be?
Still / Quiet / Hands to Self
When you're traveling down a hallway, how should your body be?
Walking / Quiet
What do GOOD friends do together?
Play nicely / Help each other / Respect each other
What do you do when the teacher calls Time-Out?
Give a time-out / Eyes on teacher / Quiet voices
If you're not sure how to do something, what do you do?
Raise your hand and ask for help
When you have something to say...
Raise your hand
When the bell rings, what should you do?
Stop what you're doing / Line up
A student is watching you play, but hasn't said anything. What can you do?
Ask if they want to play
When you are finished with your work, what do you do?
Find a quiet activity / Keep to yourself
You have extra time in class, what items can you work on?
Unfinished classwork/homework / Ask to see if the teacher needs help
When the teacher is giving a lesson, you should be...
In your spot / Quiet / Eyes on Teacher
When the whistle is blown at you or your friends, what should you do?
Stop what you're doing / make a better choice / speak with the yard-duty if needed
You have exciting news to share with your friend, when do you tell them?
Outside / On break
When the teacher asks you to go to the carpet, how do you do it?
Stand up quietly/ Push in chair / Walk quietly to the carpet / Sit in spot with a ready-to-learn body
You are frustrated with someone in your group or an assignment, what do you do?
Ask the teacher for a break
When someone else is making a poor decision, you should...
Check student / Let the teacher know / Do not join
What are the only reasons you should be outside of class?
Bathroom / Office / Lunch / Recess
All of your friends, even the popular kids, are teasing a new student, and ask you to join. What do YOU do?
[Discuss with group] Say "No." / "That isn't fair/nice" / Let the teacher know
Bonus! What can you do to help the new student?
When do you know you can leave the class for recess? Does the clock tell you when?
When the teacher excuses you
Some of your friends found a fun website on the computer that the teacher doesn't know about. Should you guys use it?
No. Report it to the teacher.