What is silk made from?
What is a silk worm cocoon?
Tells how warm or cool something is
Endangered animal native to china
What is a panda
The air we breath and the wind around us is...?
What is a gas
A. Help me wash the dishes?
B. Help me wash the dishes.
C. help me wash the dishes!
What is B
Main road from Europe to China
What is the Silk Road?
Water moving from the earth to sky and back again is called the....?
What is water cycle
Animal important to the Chinese New Year
What is a dragon
What covers most of Earth's surface
What is water
Switch two words to make the sentence make sense: Ali Chases his brother
His brother chases Ali.
Name 3 things the Chinese people invented
Possible answers:
What is paper, gunpowder, porcelain
The layer of air around earth
What is atmosphere
Delicate china made from white clay
What is china
Water falling from the sky
B. how tall you are.
C. How tall you are!
The structure built to keep China safe. Bonus if you know the name of the people they needed to be kept safe from.
What is The Great Wall of China
Bonus: What is nomads
Drops of water collecting in clouds is.... (hint: part of the water cyclee)
What is condensation
The Chinese language is written in
What is characters
A force that pulls things towards Earth's center
What is gravity
Are we going to that farm?
We are going to that farm.
The Huange He and the Yangtze are two important what?
What is rivers
Water collecting in lakes, rivers, and ponds
What is accumulation
The person who said virtue is important
Who is Confucius
Water changing from liquid to gas
Make a statement:
Do you want to row the boat?
You do want to row the boat.