Stroke Team
Stroke Neuro
General Neuro

If you were in another clinical volunteering opportunity, how many hours must you have completed before being eligible to onboard for SST?

50 Hours

While one type occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery supplying blood to the brain, while the other type happens when a weakened blood vessel ruptures and bleeds into the brain?

Hemorrhagic Stroke


This term refers to a sudden blockage of a blood vessel by a clot or other material dislodged from another part of the body.

An embolism (thrombus is when it remains localized)


This imaging process (often used in the acute assessment of stroke) provides detailed cross-sectional images of the brain using X-rays and computer processing.

Computed Tomography (CT) scans


These essential tasks, often used to assess functional independence, include activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, and mobility. What are these tasks collectively called?

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)


Which room do we report to in the morning for our Neurorounds?

RRMC 6234


Wernicke’s Area is responsible for language comprehension whereas Broca’s Area is response for speech _____.

Production or Formation


This critical junction (circle) in the cerebral circulation connects the anterior and posterior circulation of the brain.

The Circle of Willis


This imaging technique, which utilizes a strong magnetic field and radio waves, provides detailed images of the brain's structure and function without using ionizing radiation.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs)


In neuroscience, this term refers to the phenomenon where nerve fibers from one side of the brain cross over to the opposite side of the body, allowing the left hemisphere of the brain to control the right side of the body, and vice versa. What is this phenomenon called?

Cross Lateralization


What does Code Silver mean?

Person with a Weapon or Hostage Situation (Run!)

Infarct Tissue vs. ______ (AKA Salvageable Tissue)



This major artery, originating from the internal carotid artery, supplies blood to the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes of the brain.

Middle Cerebral Artery


This imaging method utilizes radioactive isotopes and antimatter annihilation to visualize rapidly metabolizing cells like cancerous tumors thereby emitting positrons and gamma rays that illuminate on imaging.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET scans)


This deep brain structure, part of the limbic system, is involved in emotions, motivation, and memory formation.

The Amygdala


Besides Hannah, who were the other two coordinators before Blake, Jasmine and Maaria?

Daniel Bolotin and Alice Chien


Both ultimately prevent blood clotting, but Anticoagulants interfere with the coagulation cascade whereas Antiplatelets _____________.

Prevent platelets from sticking together


This artery, arising from the internal carotid artery, supplies blood to the medial and inferior aspects of the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain.

Anterior cerebral artery


The _____ ratio helps helps clinicians gauge the potential for tissue recovery. It is calculated by dividing the volume of salvageable penumbral tissue by the volume of irreversibly damaged infarcted tissue.

Mismatch ratio or Penumbra-to-Core ratio


While Grey Matter is made up of neuronal cell bodies and synapses, White Matter is primarily composed of this structural component?

Myelinated axons


To the nearest 10, the total number of Dr. Saver's publications on PubMed is ____.



This widely used scale, ranging from 0 to 6, assesses functional independence after stroke, with higher scores indicating increasing levels of disability.

modified rankin scale (mrs)


This critical artery, branching from the vertebral arteries and ascending along the brainstem, supplies vital blood supply to the back portions of your brain including the cerebellum, brainstem, and posterior regions of the cerebrum.

Basilar Artery


What is a fundamental difference between diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) in stroke assessment?

DWI detects areas of restricted water diffusion (indicating tissue damage or infarction) while PWI identifies regions with reduced blood flow (often indicating ischemic penumbra or at-risk tissue).

DWI evaluates tissue viability, while PWI assesses perfusion status.


This bundle of nerve fibers, connecting the two hemispheres of the brain, facilitates communication between the left and right cerebral hemispheres. What is it called?

The corpus callosum
