The customs, arts, social institutions, etc. of a particular social group.
A collection of attitudes, values, stories and expectations about the world around us, which inform our thoughts and actions.
This is the study of the origin and development of humans
This is the reference point for our historical timeline.
Year 346 is in this century.
4th Century
Unacceptable and frowned upon.
Our worldview is what we see as BLANK.
Branch of anthropology that studies the physical evidence. Bonus 100 if you name what this evidence is called.
Archaeology (Artifacts)
This is the latin version for "around".
These are the four primary sources of historical information.
Written records, visual history, oral history, material remains.
The regard that something is held to deserve
Worldview comes from 7 things. List 4.
Geography, Time, Society, Values, Beliefs, Economy, Knowledge.
"John A MacDonald was a prime minister of Canada" is an example of this.
Historical Fact
I was born in 1997, is an example of this type of time.
It is in BLANK times that people realize the importance of society.
Dressing up as Pocahontas is an example of this.
Cultural appropriation
Worldview plays an important role in guiding this.
Our behaviour.
"When the Indigenous people of the West rose up to defy Canada's authority, Macdonald acted decisively." Is an example of this.
Historical Record
Cyclical time and linear time
Ms. Sherven graduated with these 2 other teachers in the school.
Bonus - she attended Holy Cross at the same time as these two other teachers at the school.
Mr. Wihak, Mr. Fillinger.
Ms. A Smith, Mr. Haughian
Viewing one's own culture or society as normal and superior.
Worldview is expressed in these four things.
Ethics, philosophy, religion and scientific belief.
Sources of historical information can be these four things.
Biased, inaccurate, incomplete and difficult to understand.
The Gregorian Calendar that we use in Canada today was developed under this mans leadership.
Pope Gregory XIII
Anthropologist Margaret Mead believes that the earliest signs of society and civilization comes from this.
Healing a broken bone