The Rehabilitation of the U.S
The First Five Presidents
From the Ground Up... Again
The War to End All Wars
U.S International/ Domestic Turnaround

The introduction of these newly enforced laws protected employees' rights and set forth employers' obligations and responsibilities. 

What are labor laws? 


This U.S. President held precedents after he left office, including only serving two presidential terms instead of three, appointing a presidential cabinet, holding permanent entangling alliances, and creating a policy of neutrality.

Who is George Washington? 


An American white supremacist terrorist hate group founded in 1865 whose primary targets were African Americans. 

What is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)? 


He formed the American Railway Union in 1892. In 1894 he led one of the largest strikes in American history which would be known as the Pullman Strike 

Who is Eugene Debs? 


This resolution was enacted after North Vietnam allegedly fired on American destroyers (seen as a controversial incident), which caused president Lyndon B. Johnson to increase U.S. presence in the region

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?


This muckraker exposed the unsanitary working conditions of the Chicago meatpacking industry through his book publication, The Jungle. His findings lead to the creation of the Meat Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act.

Who is Upton Sinclair? 


President John Adams signed these acts, which violated the freedom of speech and press for Americans (first constitutional amendment) and authorized the deportation of foreigners. 

What are the Alien and Sedition Acts? 


The outcome from this was that Andrew Johnson assumed office and presided over Reconstruction. 

What is Lincoln's assassination? 


This tactic used by axis forces led to the U.S.’s involvement in WWI.

What is unrestricted submarine warfare? 


This vice president of John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 36th United States president, immediately following Kennedy’s assasination in Dallas,Texas and came up with “The Great Society,” a set of domestic programs whose goal was to eliminate poverty, reduce crime, improve the environment, and abolish inequality for the American people

Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?


This supreme court case resulted in a decision that upheld racial segregation under the terms of “separate but equal.”

What is Plessy vs Ferguson? 


The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 communicated that Europe’s efforts to colonize lands in South America making up this hemisphere, would be seen as an act of aggression requiring U.S. intervention as a source of protection.

What is the Western Hemisphere? 


This agency created by the United States Congress in 1865 provided mass amounts of food, built infrastructures (schools, churches, and hospitals for medical aid), settle land disputes, help former slaves legalize marriages, and secure labor contracts for ex-slaves through negotiations

What is the Freedman's Bureau? 


The purpose of this was to make the Mexican government declare war on the United States in hopes of tying down American forces and slowing the export of American arms.

What is the Zimmerman Telegram? 


This presidential candidate ran against John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election, and although he lost against Kennedy in a close election (Kennedy won the electoral vote, 303 compared to 219 and the popular vote, 34,227,096 compared to 34,107,646), his disheveled appearance on television held disadvantages for his public image

Who is Richard Nixon?


During the Reform movement, this group took over industrial jobs and were nurturers of stability during WW2 for the regulation of America’s economy.

Who are women? 


This period was known after the war of 1812, as a result of the uplifting presidency of James Madison that encouraged the U.S. to gain confidence in its ability to defend itself as a whole, which lead to a greater sense of patriotism, cooperation, unity, and national identity during James Monroe’s presidency

What is the era of good feelings? 


Out of the Civil War Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th), this amendment gave citizens in all states the right to vote, regardless of race

What is the 15th Amendment? 


This was passed two months after America entered World War 1 and was primarily intended by Congress to combat actual espionage on behalf of America's enemies, like publishing secret U.S. military plans.

What are the Espionage Acts? 


This African- America Civil Rights activist was the first president of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), where tactics of “nonviolent resistance” were used, such as: boycotts, marches, and peaceful protests, in an effort to abolish segregation and discrimination to “redeem the soul of America”

Who is Martin Luther King Jr?


This movement, enriched by president Roosevelt, sought to manage and protect natural resources as well as their habitat for the future by establishing national forests, bird reserves, parks, monuments, and game preserves.

What is the conservation movement? 


Thomas Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana territory for $15 million (in which the United States acquired 530,000,000 more acres added to North America) was a land deal between the U.S. and this European country

What is France? 


As a result of the Presidential Election of 1876, this candidate won against Samuel J. Tilden, but southern states did not originally support this caidiate, committing to blocking his election if it were to be decided by Congress. As a result, an agreement was reached where the southern states gave this candidate support, in exchange for an end to the Reconstruction Era

Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?


A statement of principles declared by Woodrow Wilson for peace which was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War 1. 

What are the Fourteen Points? 


This series of North Vietnamese attacks on South Vietnam marked a major turning point in the Vietnam War

What is the TET Offensive?
