SSUSH15: Analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in World War I.
SSUSH11: Examine connections between the rise of big business, the growth of labor unions, and technological innovations.
SSUSH17: Analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.
SSUSH18: Evaluate Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the Great Depression and compare how governmental programs aided those in need.
SSUSH20: Analyze U.S. international and domestic policies including their influences on technological advancements and social changes during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations.

Major shift in American population from South to North, mostly Black citizens moving to escape Jim Crow violence and sharecropping, increased during US involvement in WWI

What is the Great Migration?


Immigrant processing center located on an island in the west coast, most immigrants came from Asia

What is Angel Island?


Stock market crash, industrial overproduction + consumer underconsumption (companies producing more than they can sell leading to debt), consumer overspending, banking panic

What are the causes of the Great Depression?


Changed the role of the First Lady and used her position to advocate for minorities and lower class citizens, played a major role in multiple reforms during her husband’s presidency

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


Bill passed to aid veterans returning from service and their families, did things like giving financial grants for college, giving low interest loans for houses, and helped start businesses, helped prevent an unemployment epidemic and boost the economy

What is the G. I. Bill?


Law created during World War I that implemented penalties for spying, sabotaging, and obstructing war efforts

What is the Espionage Act?


Immigrant processing center located on an island in the east coast, most immigrants came from Europe

What is Ellis Island?


Considered the worst economic downfall in United States history resulting from a stock market crash, 1929 - 1939, led to high unemployment rates, increased poverty, and the shutting down of banks and other businesses

What is the Great Depression?


Provided pensions to citizens age 65+, unemployment insurance, and aid to those with disabilities

What is the Social Security Act?


Led to creation of NASA, increased funding in math and science subjects in school, new and improved technology, such as the internet

What is Sputnik I?


An international organization created following World War I, mainly consisted of European nations, created to maintain world peace and find better methods to resolving international conflict

What is the League of Nations?


Founded Carnegie Steel Company, used vertical integration, became first billion-dollar company by monopolizing the steel industry

Who is Andrew Carnegie?


Improper farming practices, drought, dry soil, over-farming

What are the agricultural causes of the Dust Bowl?


Series of bills and reforms created during Great Depression, “relief, reform, recovery,” main goal was to pull United States out of Great Depression and have an economic recovery

What is the New Deal?


Intended to rebuild western Europe and help countries that suffered from Soviet rule recover economically

What is the Marshall Plan?


Socialist figure sentenced to prison for violating the Espionage Act, loudly outspoken against Woodrow Wilson and the US involvement in WWI, urged citizens to not join war efforts

Who is Eugene Debs?


National labor union founded by Samuel Gompers, main goals were to create better working conditions for employees and use more practical work practices, such as categorizing employees based on skills and craft rather than location

What is the American Federation of Labor?


Desire to earn money fast by investing in the stock market, companies offering more and more shares of stock, people buying and selling stocks to fast, investors taking out loans to spend on stocks 

What were the causes of the Stock Market Crash?


One of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, helped give work to unemployed citizens through public work projects, such as constructing public roads and buildings

What is the Works Progress Administration?


Act passed to create an easier, more efficient mode of transportation for army troops and supplies, also considered a way to “link” the nationwide population in the US

What is the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act?


A document of points and principles to be used during peace negotiations to end WWI, used in a speech about peace terms and war aims held by Woodrow Wilson to US Congress

What are Wilson’s Fourteen Points?


Founded Standard Oil Company, known for using horizontal integration, became extremely wealthy by establishing the biggest monopoly in the oil industry

Who is John D. Rockefeller?


Small “homes” made from scraps of metal, cardboard, and other materials for the homeless and unemployed who could not find work, name was a mockery of the president at the time

What are Hoovervilles?


Second set of bills and reforms created in an effort to protect US citizens from poverty and unemployment, led to creation of things like the Social Security Act and Works Progress Administration

What is the Second New Deal?


Foreign policy created to aid countries threatened by communism and contain/ prevent the spread of communism, developed under Truman Administration, resulted in creation of NATO

What was the Truman Doctrine / Truman’s Policy of Containment?
