Causes of American Revolution
The American Revolution
Important People/Groups
Declaration of Independence

This conflict included the American colonist and British fighting against the French and their Native American Allies.

French & Indian War/Seven Year War


Someone fired the “shot heard ‘round the world” that started the American Revolution. It was the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.

Lexington and Concord


Appointed by Continental Congress as Commander and Chief of the Continental Army in 1775. 

George Washington


What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

The colonists believed they had the right to rebel and replace a tyrannical government with one of their own.


Published his famous pamphlet, Common Sense. In it he made a strong case for colonists and the rest of the world to support their independence from Great Britain.

Thomas Paine


It forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains and put the territory under British military control.

Proclamation of 1763


General Washington led his troops across the Delaware River to launch a surprise attack on a group of Hessian soldiers who had celebrated Christmas a little too hard. The victory provided a much needed morale boost and confidence builder for the Americans.

Battle of Trenton


The two leading foreign diplomats for the Americans as they were tasked with gaining financial and military support in the fight against the English.

John Adams and Benjamin Franklin


What section of the Declaration of Independence is this statement “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”



Ended the Revolutionary War and gave America’s its independence from Britain. In addition to its independence, America also gained possession of land stretching westward to Mississippi.

Treaty of Paris in 1783


The British government taxed nearly all printed material by requiring that it bear a government stamp.

Stamp Act


Americans built up fortifications along the ridge that overlooked the Hudson River Valley where the British forces would be marching. Controlling the high ground proved to be the key as British forces were compelled to surrender. A key turning point as it convinced the French to aid the Americans in the fight for independence.

Battle of Saratoga


He and the Committee of Five were tasked with drafting a statement that would show the colonists’ desire for independence from Britain.

Thomas Jefferson


According to the Declaration of Independence and John Locke, if a government abuses its power it is the responsibility of the citizens to...

Replace the government


This group often used violence to intimidate any merchant or royal official who might otherwise use the stamps.

This group often used their skills to weave fabric and other products that were usually bought from Britain.

Sons and Daughters of Liberty


Considering the immense loss of money after the Boston Tea Party, Parliament and King George III decided to punish the colonists of Boston by implementing the...

Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts


Cornwallis of England retreated to the peninsula to await the British fleet. While waiting aid, Cornwallis became surrounded by American forces on the high ground, as well as, the French fleet to the sea. Cornwallis surrendered his forces on October 17, 1781.

Battle of Yorktown


Arrived in North America to provide aid to the Continental Army. Instrumental in training the army in tactical and firing drills, as well as, helpful in training battlefield leadership.

Prussian Baron von Steuben and Frenchman Marquis de Lafayette


After failing to reach a diplomatic peace with Britain with the First Continental Congress and the outbreak of fighting at Lexington and Concord, this group met in Philadelphia in 1776 and made a major move towards American independence.

Second Continental Congress


Which group does this describe:

-followed the fighting camps in order to provide care for men in the camps through cooking, sewing, washing, and tending to the wounded and sick.

-served as spies for the Continental Army

Women of the American Revolution


British troops stationed in Boston were taunted by an angry mob of colonists. The troops fired into the crowd, killing five colonists, including a black man named Crispus Attucks.

Boston Massacre


Washington camped his troops here where they suffered through harsh weather, little supplies, and dwindling food. Washington’s strong leadership guided the army through the difficult months and took another step towards the development of a successful army.

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania


The British philosopher who believed mightily in the social contract theory and natural rights. Jefferson used many of his ideologies in the Declaration of Independence

John Locke


In what section of the Declaration of Independence do the colonist list the grievances against the king? How many grievances did they list?

The Second Section; 27 grievances


This theory states that “rational people” should believe in organized government, and this ideology highly influenced the writers of the Declaration of Independence.

The Social Contract Theory
