Who assigned Augustine to Great Britain?
The Pope
St. Augustine founded the first ______ of England
What did Augustine bring to England with him?
His brothers
What level of priesthood was St. Augustine? (pope, cardinal, bishop)
An Arch Bishop
How many people did St. Augustine baptize?
What type of life did St. Augustine leave behind?
A life of Comfort
What city was St. Augustine the Bishop of?
What country did St. Augustine re-evangelize?
England/Great Britain
In what sea was the island St. Augustine landed on?
The Mediterranean Sea
Where did Augustine work?
King Ethelbert's Kingdom
What did St. Augustine build?
A Church/Abbey
When did St. Augustine die?
May of 604
How long did it take for all the pagan kingdoms to turn Christian?
Less than a century
What kind of customs did Augustine bring to Wales?
Latin Customs
What happened in the year 410?
The Saxons wiped out Christianity